Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab announces “The Ethics of Large-Scale Models” grant awardees w/Lucy collaborators
The ND-IBM TechEthics Lab has announced their 2024 CFP Awardees under this year’s focus of, “The Ethics of Large-Scale Models.” Several Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society faculty, staff, and affiliates are supporting awards as Notre Dame collaborators.
The Lucy Institute welcomes new employees!
| Alli Linhart serves as a mobile app development specialist for the GALL and AETL teams at the Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society.
| Deng Pan
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Deng Pan's work as a postdoctoral research associate focuses on developing models that are both powerful and transparent, making complex decisions understandable. He will collaborate on projects that explore responsible machine learning and artificial intelligence.
AETL Matt Harrison RAISEuP Fellow Case Study
| Postdoctoral Fellowship in Responsible AI for Education
The Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society and Notre Dame Learning at the University of Notre Dame are partnering to seek candidates for a postdoctoral fellowship in responsible AI for education.
Responsibilities will include developing resources to help faculty and students adapt to teaching and learning in the age of AI tools, designing AI-enhanced pedagogical strategies, and contributing to the ethical use guidelines for AI in education.
| Online Summer Course
CDT 30705, "Practical Data Visualization"
Instructor: Matthew Sisk
This course is designed to give students a broad overview of the field of data visualization. Students will have the opportunity to develop a variety of visualizations for different audiences and will experiment with a variety of different tools for creating data visualizations
| Online Summer Course
CDT 10710/60710, "History of A.I."
Instructor: Nuno Moniz
This course has three main learning goals: 1) identify critical events that influenced the rise of AI and align them with the history of related scientific disciplines; 2) describe the various phases of AI's evolution and context and discuss their influence in present discussions; and, 3) reflect on AI's ethical/societal implications and critique current/possible applications.
Partner Events & Opportunities |
| Online Master's in Data Science Program
Applications are now open for the University of Notre Dame's online Master's in Data Science program! The final deadline for a Fall 2024 start is June 9.
For questions regarding the program, please submit an inquiry through this form.
"The Lucy Family Institute will be an intellectual and interdisciplinary beacon that produces impactful and equitable data-driven solutions for the good of society."
– Nitesh Chawla, Founding Director
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