May District Leader Newsletter
May District Leader Newsletter

Dear Leader,

Thank you for your service this year on behalf of your district and the speech and debate community at large! Check out a few final reminders below in the final District Leader Newsletter of the year. Have a great rest of your school year! 

Leadership Election Results 

In case you missed it, the results of our biennial leadership election are available online here. Elected district committee chairs and members will be contacted by the national office directly and asked to complete a form to accept or decline their role. This may result in changes to the results before the 2019-2020 school year begins. Current district leaders will continue to serve until July 31, 2019. The term for newly elected and confirmed leaders begins August 1. 
If re-elected, we hope you will continue to serve! Your role as a district leader is incredibly important and we have plans to better onboard and support district leaders in the coming year. If you have any questions or concerns, please email District Support Manager Erik Dominguez at
If you were not re-elected or will opt not to serve when contacted, please know that we at the national office are so grateful for the work you've done over the past two years and the sacrifices you've made to provide students with access to speech and debate activities.

You're Invited! Please RSVP for the District Leader Luncheon

Join us at the 2019 District Leader Luncheon and Awards Ceremony during Sunday registration at the National Tournament! Please RSVP here by May 24
We hope you'll also consider nominating a peer for the District Leader Commendation Award by tomorrow, May 10! This award recognizes outstanding individual contributions while also raising awareness about the value of distributive leadership. Please note that district chairs are not eligible for this award. 

Help Provide Diverse Judge Pools at the National Tournament 

To help make our late elimination round judge pools at the National Tournament reflective of our student community, we need your help! If you are highly qualified to judge and would enhance the diversity of our panels, consider completing a diversity profile and nominating yourself to judge late elimiation rounds on by June 1. Please encourage the judges you bring to do the same! Instructions are available here

Mission Moment 

What you do as coaches and district leaders helps us build a diverse community committed to empowering students through competitive speech and debate. Check out a reminder from NSDA alum Gina Sanchez of how your work shapes the lives of students. On behalf of Gina and thousands of students across the country, thank you! 
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