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Convention Memories | FLC | Consultation | Israel | Happy Chanukah
Convention Memories | FLC | Consultation | Israel | Happy Chanukah
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News from the Northeast

December 6, 2016        
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Upcoming Deadlines

January 25, 2017
Fried Leadership Conference: Early Bird Registration Deadline
February 8, 2017
Fried Leadership Conference: Hotel Reservation Deadline for Guaranteed WRJ Rate

Save the Date!

March 3 - 5, 2017
WRJ Fried Leadership Conference
Charleston, SC
April 29 - 30, 2017
Long Island Area Event
Wantagh, NY
April 30 - May 2, 2017
Consultation on Conscience
Washington, DC
May 21 - 29, 2017
WRJ Mission to Israel

Demand Equality in Israel

The President of the Israeli Supreme Court said "Enough is enough"
URJ President Rabbi Rick Jacobs asked for our help
Anat Hoffman decried the Thanksgiving Day vandalism and death threats

WRJ Trip to Israel
May 2017
For first-timers and experienced Israel travelers
Read the pre-trip blog
by our own Immediate Past President Denise Levine

Programming Opportunity for Your Sisterhood

Each Sisterhood in the Northeast District is entitled to a District Speaker once every two years, without expense to the Sisterhood, and a speaker from WRJ in alternate years.

The WRJ Calendar is available HERE

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We want photos and highlights from your sisterhood programs!
Send them to

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The next e-blast will be sent on January 3, 2017

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Message from Vivian Blumstein
Northeast District President

This is my first article for the e-blast as the newly installed WRJ Northeast District President. I am thrilled and honored to do so. It has only been a few weeks since our WRJ Northeast District Convention, but we are already busy planning for our Area Events in the spring and the fall, and our Kallah, also in the fall.
If you visit our FACEBOOK PAGE, you can see wonderful pictures from our convention. Maybe you will see a picture of yourself!
Our Area Directors will be checking in with all the sisterhood presidents. They are calling to say hello, introduce themselves, and chat about how your sisterhood is doing. If you miss the call, please call back. We look forward to talking with you and establishing great relationships. And if you have any questions, please contact your Area Director. She will be happy to help.
To those who attended our convention, I hope you learned at least one new thing to take back and share. Don’t forget to tell your members how much you enjoyed meeting women from other sisterhoods, and also how you learned from them and bonded with them. I was excited to meet so many of you at convention, and I hope I will see you again at other district events. Please bring your friends with you to our events, so they can experience that special connection we all share.
We are making plans to migrate to a new website. Please watch your email to find out when this will happen.
I wish you all a Happy Chanukah. I hope the candles of the menorah will bring light to your homes, your families, and your sisterhood.
– Vivian

Fried Leadership Conference
March 3 - 5, 2017

The 2017 WRJ Fried Leadership Conference will take place at the Charleston (SC) Marriott Hotel from Friday, March 3, 3:30 p.m. to Sunday, March 5, 12:30 p.m. Please note that some optional programs take place earlier and later.
The Fried Leadership Conference (FLC) is intended for current, rising, and experienced sisterhood leaders, WRJ Board Members and Board Alumnae, new WRJ members, individual members, and any woman interested in WRJ and the Reform Movement. Attendees will participate in workshops and learning sessions, create connections and network with other Reform women, experience meaningful worship, learn from experts and from each other, and enjoy time together with WRJ leaders and friends.

News from Our Sisterhoods...

Sunday, December 11, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
East End Temple, 245 East 17 Street, New York, NY
A sale of vintage and costume jewelry and watches. Great holiday shopping. Plus a silent auction of designer pieces from Tiffany, Carolee and more. A fundraiser for social action programs. READ MORE...
From the first sisterhood newsletter of Temple Shalom (Newton, MA), "Why I Joined Sisterhood" by Lisa Schwartz:
For many years, I served on the Temple Board and the Executive Committee. I enjoyed the role and the responsibilities that came with it. I especially enjoyed the people I worked with on those and other committees. Eventually, I was ready to step down and give someone else a chance to try a leadership role at the Temple. I was looking for a way to continue to feel connected with the Temple, but I wasn’t sure of my next step. READ MORE...
Send your event pictures, or advertise open sisterhood events here.
Send all information to by the last Tuesday of the month to be included in the next month's eblast or on our Facebook page.

Consultation on Conscience
April 30 - May 2, 2017

Join the WRJ Delegation at the RAC’s biennial Consultation on Conscience in Washington, DC, April 30 - May 2, 2017.
This year the Consultation will feature special WRJ program opportunities.

Memories of Convention 2016

November 3 - 6, 2016
Albany, NY
This year's Northeast District Convention was an AMAZING experience! We had about 100 women from sisterhoods all over our district attending, learning and sharing. From services to bonding with sisters to seminars to social action projects to music, our committee of Diane Heiman, Robin Krieger, and Betty Weiner kept us busy and involved. If you check out our Northeast District Facebook page, you can follow a blog from the Convention as well as see many pictures. Here we can only share a sampling of our time together.
Highlights of the Convention include inducting our new president and board members, sharing music and services with Cantor Claire Franco, learning about how to improve our sisterhoods and the world around us in seminar sessions, partying at our pajama party complete with our own Northeast Districts PJs (don't we looks so cute!), talking with WRJ Vice President Sherri Feuer, and making and rekindling friendships with some of the most incredible women you have ever met! Here is just a sampling of some of our photos. Be sure to check out and LIKE our Facebook page and posts.
– Alissa Woska, NCRT, Glen Cove, NY
You can still purchase leaves for the YES Fund Tree HERE...
even if you were not able to attend convention
Check out our blog and photos on our Facebook Page HERE

Notecards: The Votes are in!

The winner of the "Say YES To Our Next WRJ YES Fund Note Card" vote is "A Generation to Generation" by Karla Gudeon.
The card is blank inside; it is a beautiful card for all occasions.
There is still time to order cards in time for Chanukah.
$7.50 for each pack of five cards and envelopes.

Kol Hakavod, Abby and Andrea!

Northeast District Past President Abigail Fisher wrote the November 18 Shabbat blog feature for "Voices of WRJ" welcoming the stranger and fighting for the innocent, and WRJ Board Member Andrea Gingold wrote the December 2 feature about audacious motherhood and the Consultation on Conscience.

Did you know...?
Chanukah Fun Facts

Traditionally, Chanukah is a time when children are encouraged and rewarded for their Torah studies. Consequently, it became fashionable to give the children Chanukah money and presents during the holiday.
In Germany, the eighth and last night of Chanukah used to be very special. All the leftover wicks and oil were lit in giant bonfires. People sang songs and danced around the fire, often until the small hours of the night.
In Yemen, children went from house to house, tins in hand, to collect wicks for the Chanukah menorah.
During the eight days of Chanukah, the passage “Al Hanissim,” expressing thanks to God for the miracles of Chanukah, is inserted into the prayers.

The Board of the Northeast District
of Women of Reform Judaism
wishes everyone
a Joyous Chanukah
and a Happy New Year!
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