CERN Foundation Brings People Together
By Adam H.
CERN brings two ependymoma survivors together across the country and globe. Adam is from California and Allie is from Kansas. Both were diagnosed with ependymoma, in almost the same spots in the left occipital lobe.
Those of us with ependymoma know that cancer can take so much from our lives, so very much, but there is a side of cancer that we often overlook, and that’s the gifts of cancer. It’s odd to say it, but cancer can bring people together, families, friends, communities together to rally around us and support us, to focus on life, keeping what we have together, and giving us the strength to press on. It makes life real and deep, more meaningful than what we may have ever experienced before. The CERN Foundation is a gift, fighting cancer, and supporting ependymoma patients in ways we could not do as individuals. In some respects, despite the pain and the uncertainty, cancer can be a gift. For Adam H. and Allie M. and their family and friends learned the goodness of cancer amongst the pain of cancer.