Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
Eddie Moore to deliver keynote address at Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, Jan. 16 Master Class with cellist Darrett Adkins, Jan. 17 Jacobsen Series kicks off with cello music by Alistair MacRae, Jan. 19
KNOW THIS campus news and announcements
Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration welcomes Eddie Moore Jr. TODAY campus hosts author and educator Eddie Moore Jr., who will deliver the keynote address, "Dr. Martin Luther King: Why Keep Dreaming?" at our annual MLK Celebration at 7 p.m., in Kilworth Memorial Chapel. The event will also feature remarks by BSU president Nia Henderson ’20 and ASUPS president Amanda Diaz ’18.
Jacobsen Series kicks off with An Evening of Cello Music. The concert, featuring Cordelia Wikarski-Miedel Artist-in-Residence Alistair MacRae, cello, and guest artist Cristina Valdes, piano, will include music by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, and contemporary composer Blaise Ferrandino. Admission is $10 for faculty and staff members, and free for students. Tickets available at Wheelock Information Center or tickets.pugetsound.edu.
Help your students win $250. Writing Excellence prizes are awarded annually by the Center for Writing, Learning, and Teaching (CWLT) to encourage and reward good writing in all disciplines. Encourage your students to submit any paper written for a single course taken in spring, summer, or fall of 2017. Ten prizes of $250 each will be awarded. Visit pugetsound.edu/writingawards for more info. Deadline: Friday, Jan. 26.
Be in the know about campus sustainability. Sign up to receive Recycled Rag, the student-produced monthly e-newsletter from the Sustainability Advisory Committee about campus sustainability, including events, accomplishments, tips, and important information relevant to all campus members. Sign up now. #loggerslivegreen
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DO THIS selected events
Closing this week: Mare Made, Mare Blocker, artist, through Jan. 19, Collins Memorial Library.
Lecture: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Why Keep Dreaming?, Eddie Moore Jr., Jan. 16, 7 p.m., Kilworth Memorial Chapel.
Workshop: Diversity, Privilege, and Leadership: Are We Making Any Progress in the 21st Century?, Eddie Moore Jr., Jan. 17, noon, Rasmussen Rotunda.
Master Class: Darrett Adkins, cello, Jan. 17, 7:30 p.m., Schneebeck Concert Hall.
Strategic Planning Community Conversation, Jan. 18, 10 a.m., McCormick Room, Collins Memorial Library.
Community Music Performance: Songs from Grease and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Jan. 18, 4 p.m., Schneebeck Concert Hall.
THSMS: Understanding the Decline of the Western Alaskan Stellar Sea Lion, Marc Mangel, UC Santa Cruz, Jan. 18, 4 p.m., Thompson 175.
LoggerUP. Come, cheer on the Logger basketball teams at home this week!
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BE PROUD noteworthy accomplishments
Nick Brody, communication studies, published the articles "Cues Filtered In, Cues Filtered Out, Cues Cute, and Cues Grotesque: Teaching Mediated Communication With Emoji Pictionary" in the journal Communication Teacher and "Opting Out of Social Media: Online Communication Attitudes Mediate the Relationship Between Personality Factors and Facebook Non-use" in Southern Communication Journal
Sunil Kukreja, sociology and anthropology and associate deans' office, wrote "The Enduring Virtues of the Liberal Arts," published on StudyInternational.com, an independent news source for international students. 
Andrew Monaco, economics, published his research in the article "The Economics of Online Dating: A Course in Economic Modeling," published in the Journal of Economic Education.
Stuart Smithers, religious studies, contributed to the "Rethinking Efficiency" issue of ARCADE with the article "13 Barakhamba Road." Mott Greene, professor emeritus, published in the same issue, "Never at the Beginning: How Focusing on Efficiency Can Block Scientific Discovery." The publication was guest edited by Sawhorse Revolution, which was founded by Logger alumni Sarah Smith ’14 and Adam Nishimura ’07.
Congratulations to Thavy Thatch ’19, currently studying abroad, who was accepted as a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholar.
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