Please feel free to send us any events or suggestions for activities to share with the STS community. Email us!
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STS Breakfast Club
As you prepare for final exams, we here at STS want to make sure you have the proper fuel to keep you awake and keep your mind refreshed as you continue your studies. So, on December 8, from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM, we will be having our STS Breakfast Club event where we will be serving free Izzy’s coffee, bagels, and pastries for STS majors and prospective STS students! You can come by and hang out while you eat, or just quickly stop by and grab some food on your way to class or back to studying. We hope to see you there!
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New STS Courses for AY22/23
WinterCSRE 104: Introduction to Race and Technology (approved to meet Socio-Cultural requirement for all STS concentrations) How do ideas about race get encoded in the design of new technology? How have science and technology shaped our understanding of race and identity? Drawing on research in anthropology, history, media studies, STS, and beyond, we will consider how technology can reinforce and amplify racial inequality. This introductory course has no prerequisites and welcomes students of all disciplines.
STS 10SI: Introduction to AI Alignment This 8-week student-initiated course explores the subject of Artificial Intelligence in small discussion-based environments led by student facilitators with targeted readings, weekly group discussions, and an optional project. Enrollment is by application only. Apply at https://linktr.ee/stanfordaialignment by Saturday, January 14, 2023, by 9:00PM.
STS 156: The Future Of Global Systemic Risk This course investigates the data, methods, and insights mobilized by key actors such as corporations, governments, and academics to assess systemic risk, create future scenarios, and generate predictions.This year, the course will focus on combined risks from the environmental, health, and emerging tech domains.
SpringSTS 158: The Science and Politics of Apocalypse This course examines how expectations surrounding the end of the world, and the role that human beings might play in bringing it about, have transformed over the last two centuries. After a brief look at traditional religious apocalypticism, we explore how apocalypse came to be reconsidered as an entirely this-worldly phenomenon that falls within human power to achieve and demands political attention.
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EcoApprentice at Literacy for Environmental Justice
Literacy for Environmental Justice (LEJ) is a community-based profit organization which works to strengthen at-risk communities and the natural environment in southeast San Francisco, with an emphasis on engagement with youth. Under the rubric of our Candlestick Point Eco-Stewards Program, LEJ provides an experience of 'nature in the city' and environmental learning to upwards of 1,000 mainly underserved youth of color annually and operates our Eco-Apprenticeship job training program for up to 20 young adults each year. This position reports to the Community Programs Manager and works closely with the Urban Greening Team to determine Nursery and Restoration objectives and goals for Environmental Education, Eco-Adventure and Volunteer Programs.
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Vietnamese Speaker Student Intern at the Santa Clara County Office of the District Attorney
The Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office is currently looking for a qualified candidate who has full working proficiency in Vietnamese and English to intern with the Parent Project, a county-wide initiative that strives to help at-risk youth by working with parents and schools. As a Parent Project intern, interns can expect to work 20-25 hours a week, assisting with scheduling, filing, and translation, among other tasks. Candidates must have working proficiency in Vietnamese and English.
Application deadline is January 23, 2023 12:00 AM
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ESG Intern at TRC Companies
TRC Companies, Inc. a pioneer in ground-breaking scientific and engineering developments since the 1960s, is an engineering consulting firm that provides integrated services to the energy, environmental and infrastructure markets. TRC serves a broad range of clients in government and industry, implementing complex projects from initial concept to delivery and operation. TRC is seeking an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) intern to join TRC 's ESG Advisory Services and Climate Solutions team. TRC is a well-recognized and branded advisory services team that is growing with strong key client relationships in corporate strategies, private equity firms, investment banks, and law firms across the globe. The candidate joins other subject matter experts at TRC in executing ESG, Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Sustainability projects for clients in Chemical, Oil and Gas, Real Estate, Manufacturing and Private Equity firms.
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Leveraging LinkedIn: Tips, Tricks & Tools
Wednesday Dec 7, 2022
1:00 pm-2:30 pm PST
This interactive workshop is designed to level up your LinkedIn skills and learn about LinkedIn strategies, features, tips & tricks! They will discuss how to:
- Research different major/degree to career paths using the Alumni Tool
- Learn more about job roles, industries and specific employers
- Reach out and connect to helpful alumni and professionals you don’t know (yet!)
- Identify organizations and opportunities where you already have inside connections
- Find and set up search alerts for posted opportunities
This virtual workshop is helpful at any stage in your career journey: from frosh to seniors to PhDs and postdocs and recent alumni. Be prepared to use and explore LinkedIn during the session, and bring your questions! Find our more information on Handshake.
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H&S Career Coaching
Stanford Career Education is offering Zoom, in-person, and phone appointments for career coaching specifically for majors in the Humanities & Sciences. H&S Career Coaches can help you with topics such as interests and goals, assessments, career opportunities, and preparing for interviews. Learn more about how to make an appointment here.
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| - STS Website: Visit our Research Opportunities and Careers pages.
- H&S Career Toolkit on Canvas: A Career Toolkit on Canvas specifically for humanities, arts and sciences students!
- Interstride is an interactive career platform that enhances the career exploration and job search process for international students and alum.
- Handshake: Updated listing for job search events.
- BEAM: prepares students and recent alumni to pursue and secure fulfilling careers.
- Idealist: Good ideas for taking action!
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