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This WEEK!
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L@s Ganas Ambassadors
Mentee highlight - Melissa Ledezma
Know your rights at UIC - Student directory information
U&I Care Meals - A selected number of meals per student that are in urgent need of food. First-come, first-serve. Application will close once there are no more meals to be allocated.
Click here for more info UI Care Meals
L@s Ganas Cupid + Study (create V-day cards) - Feb 10th from 3:00 to 5:00 PM at ACE 2930 SSB
Study sessions with Dayane at CHANCE - Mondays at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Mentoring cong Ganas
in class this week, MCG had its bi-weekly 1:1 time, where mentors and mentees can sit down with each other to discuss future goals, academic challenges, or any necessary steps to ensure a successful spring semester. Additionally, students also had the opportunity to stay in class and listen to valuable information/services the Counseling Center at UIC has to offer. This included workshops, mind-body programs, 24/7 crisis support, therapy best suitable for you (e.g. group, virtual, 1:1), and answers to frequently asked questions. Class wrapped up with a meaningful discussion about stressors in life, particularly on misinformation and social media use, and with handouts that taught students how to manage stress/anxiety. MCG will always emphasize the importance of providing a safe and supporting environment. If any student is in distress or seeking out help, check out the UIC Counseling Center website.
Research fellowship
Research Fellows Meet-up
Undergraduate Research Forum
Looking for 1:1 Abstract Reviewers - Sign up to provide feedback to students as they revise their abstracts
Prepare for the undergraduate research forum

 Get a Head Start in STEM with these events! 

Unidos en La Lucha 32nd Annual Conference - April 11th, 2025 / Join L@s Ganas and go to the conference!!
Volunteers needed for March Give - March 8th from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Volunteers needed for RUSH Medical Center
Wellness Health Fair - February 14th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at SCE, Cardinal Room
LARES Pre-Health Workshop Series - February 26th from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM on ZOOM
2025 CCSL Recognition Awards - Nomination deadline is April 1st and the nominees need to identify as Latinx
Social Events
Movie Night (WICKED)- February 14th at 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the SCE Cardinal Room
University Partner Fest at the Art Institute
On February 15, the Art Institute of Chicago will host University Partner Fest, a daylong event at the museum where students and faculty from University Partner institutions are invited to explore the museum, meet their peers, and learn from faculty and museum professionals across institutions. 

This event is free and open to students, staff, and faculty of member institutions in the University Partner Program, including the University of Illinois Chicago. On the day of the event, simply show a valid ID from a University Partner institution at the University Partner Fest registration tables stationed in our lobbies to receive a free ticket and event program. For more information, visit this website.
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