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Enjoy Your Summer!Film at Mason wishes you all a calm, relaxing summer. We look forward to seeing you again in the Fall.
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Fall 2023 Registration Reminder
Speaking of which: registration for Fall classes is still open! Be sure to check your registration time ticket on Patriot Web and if you have not done so already, meet with your Academic Advisor, Maddie Portnoy (mportnoy@gmu.edu), to discuss scheduling questions.
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Save the Date
Film at Mason’s Welcome Back Ice Cream Social and Production Fair is scheduled for Friday, September 1st at 2:00pm at the JC South Plaza. Following the event, we will have our Best of Film at Mason Showcase screening in the Johnson Center Cinema from 4:30pm-6:30pm. Stay tuned for more information to come.
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CAPS Summer De-Stress Events
CAPS is hosting fun de-stress events on campus this summer. Come by and join in on the activities.
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Fall 2023 Spotlighted Courses Seats Still Available!
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FAVS 399 Podcasting: Audio Storytelling with Professor Amanda Kraus
Are you looking for a fun class to take in the Fall? Consider FAVS 399: Podcasting: Audio Storytelling with Professor Amanda Kraus. Students will learn how to develop and produce a podcast step by step. From writing and casting to recording and editing, you will be responsible for the concept and completion of two episodes. This course is scheduled on Mondays, 10:30am-1:10pm, in the Art and Design Building AB 1005. To register, enter CRN 83572.
*Open to all majors *FAVS Authoring elective
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FAVS 431 Advanced Cinematography with Professor Hans Charles and TA Lenny Collins
This course builds on the foundation of FAVS 331 and explores advanced techniques in lighting and in post-production (color correction). Advanced Cinematography also explores digital cinematography, its advantages and limitations compared to celluloid. This course is scheduled on Thursdays, 1:30-4:10pm, in the Art and Design Building AB 1007. To register, enter CRN 82392.
*Open to Film majors only *Fundamentals elective
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FAVS 366 Video Production for Social Change with Professor Rebekah Wingert-Jabi
This course reflects a professional production environment where student teams, under the instructor’s supervision, produce effective pieces for local community based non-profit organizations. Students will work with a real-world client and develop storytelling skills that advance the client’s mission. Students will develop a creative concept and strategy, a budget, and a statement of work and contract. Small teams will then produce their client projects, with a focus on connecting with an audience. This course is scheduled on Mondays, 1:30-4:10pm in the Art and Design Building AB 1007. To register, enter CRN 78532.
*Open to all majors *Authoring elective
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FAVS 225 Introduction to World Cinema (Multiple Sections and Instructors)
This course explores examples of many kinds of films from around the world, including documentary, fiction, and experimental. Students will learn to analyze film language and structures, with attention to cinema's many contexts, including economic institutions, historical events, political and social issues that shape and are shaped by movies. Multiple sections of this course are offered. View the times and dates on Patriot Web. Search for CRNs 77425, 82786, or 79954.
*Open to all majors *Mason Core Arts
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2023 Chesapeake Film Festival Save the date for the 16th annual Chesapeake Film Festival (CFF) in-person on Saturday, September 30 and Sunday, October 1, and virtual on Monday, October 2-Sunday, October 8. Shoutout to Film at Mason Advisory Board Member Ted Adams III, who is a member of the CFF Festival Board. And congratulations to Jon Gann, a former Film at Mason Advisory Board member who worked as Associate Producer on the documentary, Karen Carpenter: Starving for Perfection, which screens on opening night.
Read more about some of the spotlighted films to be screened here: https://talbotspy.org/experience-engage-and-enjoy-the-2023-chesapeake-film-festival/.
For more details about the festival, visit their website: chesapeakefilmfestival.com.
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In May, Professor Rob Farr and his wife traveled to Spain, visiting Madrid, Andalusia, Cordoba, Sevilla, Gibraltar, and Granada. He reports that highlights included communing with the wild monkeys on the Rock of Gibraltar and visiting the Filmoteca Española and its Cine Doré, which has been in continuous operation since 1912.
In Spring 2023, Professor Farr was awarded a Robert Purks Grant to support his work on a biography on Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew, a creative team who made films from 1913-1919. The first draft of this manuscript is nearly complete. In June, Professor Farr volunteered at the first Library of Congress Festival of Film and Sound, focused on recent restorations by the Library and other archives. Guests included Academy Award-winning sound designer Ben Burtt.
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Professor Tommy Britt presented a new paper, "The Sounds of Sleep," at Sound, Text, Vision: A Sydney Literature and Cinema Network Symposium (May 19, 2023). In June, he presented two more new papers at international conferences: "Horrors of Digital Communication in Found-Footage Supernatural Films" at Trusting and Distrusting the Digital World in Imaginative Literature (University College Dublin, Ireland) and "Subterranean Horrors of Modern Detroit: Lost River and Barbarian," at Ugly Modernity: Its Unseen Sides (TFISM, University of York).
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Alumni Accomplishments Congratulations to all FAVS students and alumni who competed in the Washington DC 48 Hour Film Project! Their short film, “Nuptial Geographic,” won the following awards: Best Sound Design, Best Directing (Honorable Mention), 2nd Place Best Film, and Best Actor [Tie] - Justin Oratokhai. We love to see you all working together again. Keep up the great work.
Shoutout to our Film at Mason family who worked on “Nuptial Geographic”: Jack Bolger, Alex Bowen, Rick Girard, Brooke Gorsica, Hannah Harmison, Jackson Harvey, Kiefer Inson, Ryan Judge, Graham Russell, Nathan Taylor, Kyle Van Dyke, Matthew Vargas, Valeria Verastegui, and Alaa Zabara.
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Film Opportunities and Resources
Festival Submissions:
Contests and Grant Opportunities:
- Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest is an annual, international feature film and television screenwriting contest designed to help launch the careers of aspiring writers. Writers who have entered Big Break have had their screenplays optioned, sold, and have secured high-profile representation. Submission Deadline: June 30, 2023
- The Black List and GM Incubator Fund are accepting applications for the Writer-Driven Shorts Program, which will grant two emerging filmmakers with $100,000 in production funds to shoot a short film based on their feature scripts. Submission Deadline: August 15, 2023.
Internship Opportunities:
- Wolf Trap Virtual Information Session
Monday, July 10, 10-11 am EST | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89693687105 Application Deadline: Friday, July 15 Join Wolf Trap for an info session to learn how a paid fall internship at Wolf Trap can provide skills that will lead towards a gratifying career in communications, development, education, production, human resources and more! Applications are currently open and being considered on a rolling basis. Deadline for submission is July 15. To learn more and to apply visit www.wolftrap.org/internships. Please also note that all positions are posted here: https://www.wolftrap.org/about/employment_opportunities.aspx
- Washington West Film Festival
Deadline to Apply: July 25 Internships at the Washington West Film Festival offer students and recent graduates opportunities to work closely with professionals in the film festival industry. Washington West is a dynamic learning environment with access to supportive mentors who help interns reach their educational and professional goals. Interns can gain practical skills and program development experience in a variety of positions from programming to development. Internship projects are based upon the need and availability of professional staff. To apply, send completed application, cover letter, resumé, most recent academic transcript (official or unofficial), and writing sample (2-3 pages) to interns@wwfilmfest.com.
- For a full list of internship opportunities, visit the Film at Mason Internship Database. The second tab (“JOBS”!) has the most updated listings of companies and organizations looking for Film at Mason interns.
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Did you miss our last newsletter? Check out the archives here.
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We want to hear from you! If you have news you would like to contribute, please send it to film@gmu.edu. We are looking for regional film events and updates from Film at Mason alumni. Keep up-to-date on all the current Film at Mason news at film.gmu.edu.
Film and Video Studies
College of Visual and Performing Arts
4400 University Dr. MSN 5D8
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-993-3287 | film@gmu.edu