February 21, 2018
Acts 24:27
When two years had passed, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus, but because Felix wanted to grant a favor to the Jews, he left Paul in prison.
New International Version (NIV)
                “I’ll get back to you . . .”  Those words must have been disconcerting to Paul.  Imprisoned for preaching the gospel, Paul found himself on trial for believing in the resurrection.  When Felix invited him to come and speak, Paul preached righteousness, self-control and the judgment.  “Leave for now but when I have an opportunity, I’ll call for you,” said Felix.   Afterward, Paul preached to Felix often, but Felix left him in jail as a favor to the Jews who had arrested him. 

                It is hard for us to imagine anyone being imprisoned for preaching.  Although it happens in other countries, we doubt it could happen here.  But it did.  Historian Thomas Kidd writes, “During the 1760s and 1770s, more than thirty Baptist pastors were jailed for illegal preaching in the colony of Virginia. Many more Baptists suffered violence and intimidation.”   When James Madison and Thomas Jefferson placed the first Amendment in the constitution they were thinking primarily of these Baptists who were being persecuted in Virginia. 

                Why is the good news so threatening to some?  Could it be that they fear what they do not comprehend?  Fred Craddock  told about a missionary who went to another country to care for orphans.  The government arrested him for feeding and caring for children.  “Dangerous!” they said.  The gospel is dangerous.  It turns the world right side up.  For those who are used to looking at things upside down, that can be a bit too revolutionary!

Pray with me:
Father, make us bold to speak your truth in love.  Help us to be faithful to proclaim your good news to all who will hear.  Thank you for the freedom we have to preach the gospel.  Help us to appreciate that freedom so much that we use it.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.      
This year we focus our Every Day with Jesus readings on Jesus’ story.  With references to Tallowood's Read Through the Bible in 2018 daily reading plan, let's focus our undivided attention on Jesus and follow where he lead. He will not fail. Neither will we!
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