Louisville Medicine upcoming themes:
September – Scope of Practice: Redefining Roles in Health Care – due 8/1
Everyone on the health care team plays an important role. But many believe that a physician-led, team-based approach is essential to providing safe, quality and accessible health care and that an expanded scope of practice could compromise patient care. What challenges can arise with an expanded scope of practice? How can the team work collaboratively to provide the best patient care?
October – Health Equity: Building a System That Leaves No One Behind – due 9/1
Equality focuses on treating everyone the same, but equity ensures fairness by addressing differences in needs and circumstances. Health equity includes factors such as access to care, social determinants of health and health disparities. Many Louisville residents are even living in food deserts or are food insecure. How do we make a positive change? Who is making a change in our community? What still needs to be done to achieve health equity in our community?
November – The Digital Revolution: Exploring Technology in Medicine – due 10/1
Technology is revolutionizing medicine, giving us the ability to diagnose and treat like never before. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has found its way into clinics, ERs and ORs across the country in many different formats. How have you integrated new tech into your daily practice? What tech changes do you see on the horizon for your specialty? As we increase tech usage, what ethical and regulatory considerations need to be made?
Please reach out to Kathryn Vance at kathryn.vance@glms.org if you’d like to share your thoughts in an upcoming issue.