November 24, 2021

GLMS Pictorial Rosters have arrived!

The most current Rosters have been mailed to physician’s home addresses. If you did not receive one and would like one, please email Onvia McDaniel at If you would like to order additional copies for your office please contact Laura Carr at
Wellness Wednesday Webinar Series
Coming in 2022, the GLMS Foundation will host a series of Wellness Wednesday Webinars with speakers discussing various topics relating to mental health and wellness. Mark these dates on your calendar and stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks!
  • January 5, 2022 - Shawn Jones, MD - Burnout vs. fulfillment
  • February 2, 2022 - Thomas Hustead, MD - Well-being leadership development
  • March 2, 2022 - Steve Sartori, MD - Coachin
  • April 6, 2022 - Tiffany Spanier, MD - Mindfulness
Did you know?
The GLMS Physician Wellness Program is available to all GLMS members. This was designed as a safe-harbor for physicians to address normal life difficulties and physician burnout in a confidential, professional environment. We offer free, confidential counseling for members with no insurance billed. Call Raskin & Associates at 502-394-9990 to set up your confidential appointment.
GLMS has launched a texting service!
As your local membership organization, we want to keep you up-to-date with what’s going on within GLMS and our community.
If you would like us to text you with announcements, emergency alerts or upcoming opportunities, please text the word “GLMS” to 833-509-1891. 
If you would like to receive updates regarding physician wellness, wellness life hacks and events, please text the word “Wellness” to 833-509-1891 
 Note standard text messaging rates may apply.
Cato Senior Physician’s Group
Tuesday, Dec. 14 at 12 p.m. via Zoom
Larisa Gilbert, Attorney - “When I die, what happens next?”
Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 894 2941 5549 #
Call in: 301-715-8592 (Use the Meeting ID and press # after)
To RSVP, contact Kimberly Risinger at 502-736-6366 or
Read our November Board of Governors Highlights!
Whether patients choose traditional tobacco or the more modern e-cigarette, smoking is a silent killer that slowly takes years off their lives. This month, we look at the different types of smoking and their impact on our patients and those closest to them. Read more in this month’s Louisville Medicine here.
Louisville Medicine Themes for 2021-22
We are always looking for new authors for Louisville Medicine! If you’d like to write on any of the below themes, please contact Kathryn Vance
  • January 2022 - Mental Health - due 12/01
  • February 2022 - Multigenerational medical families - due 01/01/22
  • March 2022 - Maternal fetal health - due 02/01/22
  • April 2022 - Artificial intelligence - due 03/01/22
Dr. David Doering, gynecologic oncologist at Norton Healthcare, teasingly calls himself “the robot doctor” - and rightfully so! He has completed nearly 2,000 surgeries with the da Vinci Surgical System and that number continues to grow each day. Read more about Dr. Doering’s life from Alabama, to Germany, and back to Louisville in this month’s Dr. Who.
Promote your practice!
Have a new physician, offering a new service? Contact Laura Carr with advertising needs.   502.221.7919
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