Jeppesen FRM
News Flash APR'23
Fatigue Risk Management solutions
that make a real difference

Buckle up for a technology breakthrough!

The cat is out of the bag, so we courageously attempted to squeeze out some more details from Heidi Nissov, the Jeppesen Crew Tracking Product Manager.

Heidi, we need to talk about what started as a mere whisper in September, then grew to a buzzing sound across the industry a few months later - and what must now be labeled an ill-kept secret: is Jeppesen about to solve the unsolvable? Are you on the verge of putting a crew tracking optimizer in operation?
- Ha-ha! With September, I assume you are referring to the demonstration made at the users conference in Frankfurt where we showcased integrated crew and aircraft recovery optimization?  I should of course not comment on rumours, but yes - I do think we have a handle on the breakthrough we’ve been looking for to finally address this problem – in the way it should be addressed. 
What do you mean by that, and what makes tracking optimization particularly challenging?
- First of all it’s about having the right foundation in place. Our Atrium platform has been designed for supporting the optimisation use case, but it has taken its time to get here. Those who have followed our architecture know that we are firm believers in a strong separation between problem description and solution methodology. The same goes for this problem as well, but the other part is the ’live’ aspect of the information which creates a need for an advanced versioning system of the data and a clever scenario concept and conflict-handling. With the right design, a solution becomes simply a ’delta to a state’. With that, I refer to a collection of changes to be applied to a specific version of the data base. You can think of that version as a snapshot of all data at a given time. That’s a challenge in itself - and one that needs to be addressed at the lowest level in the data base. With that in place, a solution can be applied and implemented even when many things may have changed during the minutes that have passed while solving the problem using the optimiser.
And the speed requirements are quite extreme here, right?
- They are. The system must very quickly be able to propose solutions back to to the crew tracker. But, as a former Crew Tracker myself, I know that even more important is ensuring that the user stays in control by explaining the results and allowing for fast and effective evaluation of solution details and overall properties, such as costs, before implementation. 
Aha... and such ’costs’ are open for configuration I assume - meaning they may include a virtual cost for planning a flight in a fatiguing way? Or a cost for a late notification to crew, not giving him/her much time to prepare?
- Of course. The business logic is as always fully controllable by the operator, easily expressed and reconfigured in Rave - and BAM sits there right in the middle. Cost is anything the airline wants it to be.
I see... Are there other challenges here that are dramatically different from crew planning optimization?
- Yes indeed. The concept of legality is very clear in planning; a ‘max block hour’ rule will need to be always respected. In the crew tracking phase, a good solution may still contain illegalities. It's about assisting as far as possible and that may include leaving some illegalities for being dealt with later. 
Wohahaa! Stop right there! Knowing a bit about optimization, and the ’combinatorial explosion’ (link) - does that not mean that the 'solution space' could blow up to an enormous size if the optimizer needs to consider also illegal solutions?
- It does make it more challenging, you are correct. It may also be in part why, to date, there are no well-functioning tracking optimizers anywhere to be seen. Breaking through that combinatorial ’wall’ is a tough problem indeed, but the other aspects I mentioned are equally hard.
I heard, through the grape wine, that you are in dialogue with launching partners now. If an operator is interested - is there still room for more to become early adopters?
- Ha-ha! Well…, unless an operator is already in dialogue with us on tracking optimization, I would say that they will need to bide their time a bit. There’s still more work to do on our side - but we will definately let the market know when we are ready to onboard more operators. For now they can simply sit back and follow the development, engage in our events to learn more and provide their input. Please recall that Jeppesen has year after year been improving and perfecting crew pairing and rostering optimization - for more than 30 years. Similarly, tracking optimization is a journey, not a destination. I’m glad we’re now on our way with thrust levers in full forward position. Buckle up!
Thank you, Heidi. Sure will!

LATAM shaping rosters to stay in shape.

Latin America’s largest airline LATAM, headquartered in Chile and working in alliance with Delta Airlines, has implemented Jeppesen Crew Request for their Chilean long-haul cabin crew, to provide them with greater influence over their roster content. 

"Long-haul crew often have challenging rosters. Operating through nights with irregular working hours and crossing over many time zones is very common", says Jennifer Campilongo, Crew Planning Manager, at LATAM Airlines Group. "Individual differences in coping with these working patterns, as well as varying social needs and family commitments, were reasons for us implementing this solution as a complement to preferential bidding. Crew Request automates most of our work and allows for us to meet many more requests for crew than we otherwise would be able to cope with", she continues.
Oscar Rodriguez, CEO and General Manager of Optimen in Mexico, a partner of Jeppesen heavily involved in the implementation, explains further:
"Crew can request both flights and days off. The airline decides on a 'quota' of available days off  each day, the constraints that need to be fulfilled for the request, as well as a 'priority order' for crew in which the requests are granted. For LATAM, several factors play in to the priority order, such as the crew's prior request history and their seniority. For the crew, it becomes a transparent process which they can follow via a mobile app. They can see, for example, why a request wasn't granted and then easily adjust and try other alternatives. They shape their own rosters, something that greatly promotes crew well-being."

Jeppesen Crew Request and Crew Bid, are add-ons to the Jeppesen Crew Rostering solution, consisting of both mobile applications for the crew as well as back-end components interacting with the crew management solution and optimizers. Crew Request ensures that requests are feasible and granted such that crew are provided with maximum influence without jeopardizing the airline's ability to operate efficiently. Please find more information here.

Mind the gap. A few more days to sign up.

There's still time to learn more about your hidden potential in crew planning.
Up until the 5th of May, we are offering operators a free optimization run, using market leading technology, planning your own flights for one calendar month of your choice.
You will receive the full pairing solution and all critical KPIs reported on, in detail. You can then, by yourself and at your own pace, compare these to your own solution for that month. If you're interested, and given that you are not already a Jeppesen customer of crew planning solutions, you just need to fill in this form. Welcome!
Welcome also to read more about Jeppesen Crew Pairing here. Used by a vast majority of operators with non-trivial crew planning problems to solve.

How does our circadian rhythm work?

Our lives are governed by international travels, 24/7 delivery, window blinds, and Netflix. Ruled by the habit of having everything available on demand anytime, we are trained to believe we are in control. From how much food we need, to when we should sleep. Our needs have evolved to something unbiased of time and place.
However, I’m going to ask you to put that notion aside for a moment. That idea of being the sole master of your own time. Instead, I’m going to ask you to face the fact that Nature rules. In 2017, a new discovery... (Read the full article here.)
Sleep Cycle, with millions of users worldwide, has built up what is likely to be the world’s richest repository with data reflecting global sleep habits. They have many interesting articles about sleep that are worth checking out on their website. 

Pressure-test your rule set

Most airlines have a multitude of crew scheduling rules implemented as additional barriers to the regulatory flight and duty time limits. This is for a good reason, as the regulatory rules are not very effective in blocking fatiguing patterns from occurring.
But how effective are those extra barriers? The beauty of being able to control and reduce fatigue risk during optimisation, during the construction of pairings and rosters (read more here), comes with an extra advantage: you can also do the exact opposite! It is possible to incentivise the optimiser to build the worst possible scheduling patterns that comply with all of your rules. By doing so in a 'scenario run' (not be used, of course, for operating crew), you can 'pressure-test' your rule set, making it possible to effectively identify any leaks and consider sealing them. Welcome to contact us here for more information and for a discussion about trying out BAM added to your crew planning optimisation process. No pressure, no diamonds.
BAM is the only fatigue model that operates in real-time with industry-strength crew planning optimizers, enabling cost-efficient influence of the overall fatigue risk exposure as crew pairings and rosters are put together. BAM has been in production with optimizers since 2011. 

Meet up with our experts:

APR 25-26: Crew and Fleet Developer Partners Meeting (CDP), Gothenburg
MAY 10: Working Time Society webinar“Working hours and health in different occupations: recent studies from Finland, Sweden and Norway”
MAY 22-24: AGIFORS, Santiago, Chile
Missed out on the previous NewsFlash? It's right here.
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