Member updates just for you!
Starting Monday, July 20th
What's New:
Face Covering Required as of 7/17/20
  • Governor Polis' State Executive Order requires face coverings. We are working with the local Public Health Department to adjust to the most recent mandate.  
  • To read the full Executive Order, click here.
Main Pool Opens
  • View full schedule here
  • Max capacity of 50 people. First come, first serve
  • Shower required before entering the pool
Rock Wall Hours:
  • Mondays--5-7 p.m. Lessons [sign up here]
  • Tuesdays--Adults only 5-7 p.m.
  • Thursdays--Adults only 5-7 p.m.
  • Climbing Wall Camp for Kids August 3-7 [sign up here]
Pickleball Hours
  • Mondays and Fridays 9:30-11:30 a.m.
  • Bring your own equipment, we'll provide the nets
In-Person Active Older Adults Classes
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m.
  • In the gym, socially distanced
  • Continued to be offered via Zoom [sign up here]
  • All AOA classes extended to 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes
Child Watch
  • Now accepting kids under two!*
    • *Special hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 9-11 a.m.
    • All ages welcome at this time
  • Hours: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m.
  • Open for kids 2 to 10-years-old
  • Maximum of 10 kids per hour--first come, first serve
  • One hour limit
  • No Child Watch on Saturdays
Friendly Reminders:
  • Monday-Friday 5 a.m.-1 p.m. and 4-7 p.m.
  • Saturday 7 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Sunday Closed
  • Sign the updated waiver online. You only have to do this the first time you come back in.
  • Bring your own water bottle, towel, basketball, volleyball and/or yoga mat
  • Please stay home if you are feeling unwell 
  • Respect social distancing rules
  • Wipe down equipment before and after use. Please use our labeled hampers to discard dirty rags.

We appreciate your cooperation. 🖤
Our policies are subject to change if we see a need to reintroduce or adjust any of the rules. Safety is our number one priority and the rules we have in place are for your safety and as well as ours. 
Thank you for your enthusiasm and patience throughout these phases! For the full list of new rules go to

Time to Go Camping 🏕

Experience the beautiful Camp Jackson with your family. We're offering private campsites and some activities (high ropes course, archery, riflery, and canoeing). Time to unplug and connect for a family adventure!

Women + Weights

Discover your potential and push your limits with small group training! New sessions kick off next week!
*July 20th-August 12th, M/W @ 4pm - 5pm
*July 21st- August 13th, T/Th @ 7am-8am
Participants will learn how to properly lift weights while progressing through a circuit of weight-lifting that targets all muscle groups. Trust us--you'll be feeling the burn! 

Reach New Heights! 🧗🏽

Rock Climbing Lessons resume Monday nights in July! Do knot (pun intended) miss this chance to climb the largest climbing wall in all of Colorado. 
Y Members $15 | Community Members $20

Summer isn't over!

Day camp for kids ages 3 - 12.  We will do a big sampler of all things summer: sports, crafts, science, games, climbing, swimming, water activities and more! Soak up sweet summertime!
Mask Mandate
Please wear a mask when you enter the Y. We are working with the Pueblo Public Health Department to determine specific details for face coverings while in our facility. We are doing our part to follow the state mandates.
Read full executive order here

Membership Questions

To update or change your membership status please email
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