The National Trade Association Dedicated to the Construction & Demolition Recycling Industry | | 08/16/2018 | Volume 5, Number 5 | | | |
CDRA Releases Two Reports on
C&D Fines
CDRA members will now have access to reports completed on the small particle sized materials from recycling construction and demolition materials known as fines, as well as executive summaries of the papers available on our website. These fine materials (referred to as recovered screened material in some locations) consist primarily of soil, but also includes small pieces of wood, concrete, drywall, rock, and other miscellaneous materials.
These documents were created by Timothy Townsend, Ph.D. (University of Florida) and his team to provide insight into the C&D fine characterization and how to better manage this material. The first document addresses strategies that can be used by recyclers to create better products using their C&D fines and market them for appropriate beneficial reuse. It was based on examinations of C&D fines samples from across the country. The second document provides a strong understanding of the types of asphalt products encountered in C&D, how they are typically managed (including recycling) and identify the environmental issues that affect recyclability and markets.
Members can log into the CDRA’s members-only page to access the two white papers, which will also be updated in the coming months as Dr. Townsend’s team completes further research.
You may view the executive summaries now on our website.
For more information, contact the CDRA at 866-758-4721 or info@cdrecycling.org.
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A New Way to Connect with the CDRA
Social media has become an important part of the North American culture. So many people now are either tweeting or posting. Whether the quality of communications has improved is a matter of debate. However, there is no disputing that social media is a major communications method nowadays. It is definitely an important way to reach the future leaders of the C&D industry.The CDRA will now operate more completely in the social media arena with the creation of a LinkedIn page and a Twitter account, to complement our long-running Facebook page. Our focus will be on providing quality information through these mediums, information to help your business, both in the recycling field and for general business needs. This comes less than one year after we completed an update of our main website, www.cdrecycling.org. For example, we used all three platforms to announce the availability of the recent versions of the documents detailing Dr. Tim Townsend’s research on C&D fines. Your association will be sending important notices like this. We are promoting these new communication methods as best we can, but we need your help. Many of you already like the CDRA Facebook page, and we are asking that you now follow us on our CDRA LinkedIn business page and Twitter. We look forward to expanding the dialogue with you via these social media accounts.
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University Almost Set to Release
Concrete Recycling Guide
Iowa State University has for some time been preparing the Recycling Concrete Pavement Materials: A Practitioner’s Reference Guide for the Federal Highway Administration. The guide apparently is getting close to being finished. We are excited that the document references CDRA information and research 14 times and will have links to CDRA websites. We will provide notification when it comes out.
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Circular Driven Economy Conference in London
The Circular Driven Economy Conference in London Sept. 18 is focusing on increased diversion from landfill by exploring higher-value opportunities for recovered C&D Materials. The circular economy offers an opportunity for businesses to consider alternative solutions to making our environment more sustainable and competitive. The benefits can be discovered not only by organizations themselves but for industries embracing positive change and for citizens alike. The European Union Commission is delivering ambitious measures to cut resource use, reduce waste and boost recycling and moving towards a Circular Economy model. This inaugural Circular Driven Economy Symposium will have a panel of industry experts to discuss a wide range of topics on the opportunities that exist in recycling and re-using construction and demolition waste materials. Included will be a tour of a local aggregate recycler, which has a CDE reclaiming system. CDRA member CDE is a sponsor of the event.
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The Resource Recycling Conference: Where the Industry Evolves
The Resource Recycling Conference, in partnership with the National Recycling Coalition and in alliance with Waste360, the Missouri Recycling Association is the must-attend conference for the recycling industry’s most influential policy leaders, CEOs and government officials. The conference, now entering its ninth year, is your opportunity to network with clients, prospective partners, vendors and top materials management decision-makers all in one location, saving you precious time and travel expenses. The conference's lineup of education sessions will offer attendees the latest on materials processing trends, tactics to boost diversion rates, legislative talking points, market analysis and much more.
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Midyear Board Meeting
The CDRA Board of Directors will meet in Chicago, Aug. 26-27. Ordinarily, this is a one-day affair, but this time the board will spend a day planning the direction for the next five years of the organization. We recently completed our first ever five-year plan, completing all the tasks on it. The process really helps give the board and staff a “to do” list that will benefit all recyclers. As always, all members are invited to participate in the board meeting on the afternoon of Sunday, August 26. Please contact the CDRA at 866-758-4721; info@cdrecycling.org.
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Special Thanks to Our CDRA 2018 Sponsor Members
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