Office of Change Management

eNewsletter  |  February 2025

image of a statue of stony brook university's mascot, wolfie in the snow
ICYMI: WolfieONE is a strategic transformation initiative that entails implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Human Capital Management (HCM) and Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) ecosystem at SBU, supported by Oracle Cloud, to power our financial, budget, HR, technology, and business operations. Key drivers, besides moving from on-premise to cloud-based modern systems, include improving employee morale and institutional reputation.
1. Leadership Updates 
headshot of braden hosch
Dr. Braden Hosch, Executive Sponsor 
Dr. Hosch was recently appointed as Interim Chief Deputy to the President at Stony Brook University and will now serve as an Executive Sponsor on the WolfieONE project (he previously served on the WolfieONE Steering Committee). Dr. Hosch has transformed institutional effectiveness functions at Stony Brook, having overseen the integration of institutional research and business intelligence on the campus; led adoption of a data governance structure at Stony Brook University; and served as Chair of the University's Data Governance Council for the last five years.
headshot of kim berlin
Kim Berlin, Director of Enterprise Data and Analytics    
Kim Berlin will join the WolfieONE Steering Committee (in addition to maintaining her role as the Analytics workstream lead on the project). Kim currently leads our Enterprise Data and Analytics team at SBU through the development of strategy and execution of the university data warehouse, analytics and associated systems across administrative, functional and academic areas at Stony Brook. She is also a permanent member of the Data Governance Council.
2. Spotlight and Shout Out
headshot of sean dermody
Stony Brook’s Sean Dermody, Director of Procurement
Sean has been a fantastic contributor to the WolfieONE project and always brings a collaborative, forward-thinking, positive attitude to all conversations, even the tough ones that may have a major impact on his operations. Thank you, Sean, for all your hard work, creativity and willingness to think outside of the box to come up with the best solution for Stony Brook. We appreciate having you on the team! - Cassie Amadio, Assistant Vice President for Accounting and University Controller

Sean’s Response: It has been my pleasure to be part of the team that is working on retrofitting WolfMart to support the implementation of WolfieONE, ensuring that we are comprehensively capturing the information we need to help SBU harness the potential of WolfieONE, while striving to maintain a customer-centered approach. It is exciting to be part of a larger project that will strengthen the information at our fingertips to make timely and informed decisions to support our students and the world-class research that occurs. There are many challenges in retrofitting systems as complex as WolfMart, but the continued dedication of the team inspires me. 
3. Recent Project Wins!
Finance | Enterprise Resource Management (ERP)
  • The ERP team continues discussions around SUNY integration, Jaggaer (WolfMart) and Concur retrofits and ledger design, among others.
  • The team also finalized the key decision around retaining ERAS and integrating it for seamless data exchange with WolfieONE. This allows users to transact on funds without the necessary pre-requisite steps needed to provide them with access to individual funds.
Chart of Accounts (COA) 
  • The COA team participated in discussions for the New Economic Framework model.
  • Reviewed the Org feedback template with the Finance & Administration area and the Provost area.
Enterprise Data Management (EDM) 
  • The EDM team began Campus Commitment governance conversations and began mapping the framework in EDM.
  • Progression was made on the General Ledger and EPM COA integrations and how the RF Project, Award, and Task segments crosswalk to the WolfieONE Fund segment. 
Human Resources | Human Capital Management (HCM) 
  • The HCM team continued sprint reviews and working sessions across multiple scheduled HCM modules, along with discussions with SUNY HR about seamless data transfers. This brings an opportunity for Stony Brook to transform our payroll processes and enables SUNY HR to leverage these integrations to make their processes more efficient.
Budget | Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
  • Finalized the mid-year transfer process for position control, while continuing the discussions on position control for faculty and developed a timeline for Profitability and Cost Management (PCM).
  • Continued to build integrations between ERP and HCM to the boundary systems and completed the first demo for HCM to Campus Solutions. 
  • Continue to work on the COA Segment alignment for Jaggaer and Concur.
Office of Change Management (OCM)
  • The OCM team is continuing to capture and validate the change impacts in multiple areas (HCM, ERP, EPM, Analytics, and key design decision outcomes).
  • Hosted Champion office hours and answered their questions related to Employee Self Service (ESS). The team also reviewed the Change Champions’ survey results and is planning the next steps.
4. WolfieONE Fusion Analytics
What Will Analytics and Reporting Look Like in WolfieONE?: Oracle’s Fusion Data Intelligence (FDI) opens the doors for us to connect to and explore WolfieONE data. This analytics platform provides access to delivered, out-of-the-box analytics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for our most common organizational needs. But there is much more than the array of delivered analytics. FDI is a modern platform that encourages interactive exploration of data and is enhanced with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) natural language and machine learning capabilities.

Performing real-time analyses to monitor day-to-day transactions and operations is achieved with ad-hoc reporting tools such as Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) to connect directly to the live WolfieONE system. The drag and drop features make these tools easy to use and the out-of-the-box reports delivered by Oracle provide a head start on the reports commonly used by many organizations. Highly formatted, pixel-perfect reporting is designed with BI Publisher and can be customized and integrated with other data sources.

Together, WolfieONE analytics and reporting combine to deliver and leverage a powerful data platform. Start to reimagine the way we work and connect with institutional data, enrich and integrate data, and collaborate and derive insights into WolfieONE applications using these powerful interactive, analytics and reporting tools. 
image of the high-level future state reporting architecture in the wolfieone project. data sources flow into data integration & transformation that then flows into visualization & analytics
5. Security & Controls in WolfieONE 
What is Security & Controls?: Security & controls are critical components of any ERP implementation, ensuring that users perform only authorized actions and access only permitted data. Security refers to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical systems and data— concepts that many are already familiar with. Controls, on the other hand, are the mechanisms used to enforce security and mitigate risk, such as Segregation of Duties (SOD), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and policy enforcement.

A robust security and controls framework is essential for protecting sensitive information, maintaining data integrity, and ensuring regulatory compliance. For a complex institution like Stony Brook University, developing a scalable security model early in the project is crucial to supporting long-term system integrity and adaptability.

What’s Happening Currently?:
The Security team’s work spans the entire organization, requiring coordination across functional workstreams in HCM (Human Capital Management) and Finance, as well as collaboration with technical and compliance subject matter experts. This cross-functional approach ensures that all areas provide valuable input, helping us build a robust and well-integrated security framework. Additional current work includes:
  • Finalizing the foundational security role design and presenting it to functional workstreams for feedback, refinement, and increased familiarity with security concepts.
  • Making key decisions regarding identity governance, authentication methods, and location-based access controls.
  • Supporting the technology workstream in migrating information securely.
The Security and Controls team configured 50% of custom roles in Oracle and demonstrated how those roles work during various sprints, so that users can later be mapped to these roles and have all the access they need to do their job, but no more than the data they need. 

These efforts are crucial in ensuring system security and compliance while optimizing the user experience across the organization.

What’s Happening in the Future?:
Moving forward, we will focus on defining which user groups have similar responsibilities to streamline access control and test the personas that we have already defined. This approach involves:
  • Combining individual security roles to create persona-based profiles, similar to stacking Lego blocks to meet collective access needs.
  • Thoroughly testing personas to ensure they align with real-world workflows.
  • Mapping personas to individual users, leveraging attributes such as job roles or departments.
Transitioning to a Cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) model requires a shift away from customization toward a more scalable and adaptable design. To support this transition, we will:
  • Strive for consistency and standardization across all teams.
  • Leverage a persona-based model to streamline security configurations.
  • Build a modular security design that requires minimal effort to adjust as organizational needs evolve.
By embracing these principles, we will ensure that our security model remains flexible, resilient, and aligned with ongoing updates in WolfieONE, including quarterly Oracle Cloud releases. 
6. OCM Updates 
Change Champions: The WolfieONE Change Champions have been busy scheduling the Employee Self Service (ESS) education sessions. The WolfieONE Change Champion Events calendar has been an effective tool for the OCM team to keep track of the events and provide support to the Champions, as needed. The Champions have been engaging with their respective audiences delivering the Employee Self Service (ESS) content, gathering questions, concerns and comments from them and sharing them back with the Office of Change Management (OCM) team. The OCM team, in turn, finds the answers to the questions, adding them to the FAQs and closing the feedback loop. The Champions have shown very promising enthusiasm in learning about WolfieONE and carrying out their responsibilities in driving the changes.
slide that states the importance of early communication in change management including bullets about building trust, reducing resistance to change, early identification of potential concerns, a sense of inclusion and participation, setting clear expectations and gaining feedback
We would encourage all our Sponsors, Workstream Leads and Managers to provide encouragement and support to the Champions.
7. Important Links and Resources
8. Upcoming Oracle Training 
See below for upcoming free training from Oracle related to Analytics: 
image of a cup of coffee with a header that says oracle analytics, cafe insight, fusion data intelligence
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