HSR Scholars, Sunil Kripalani, M.D., MSc, Principal Investigator and Associate Professor of Medicine, and Christianne Roumie, M.D., MPH, Program Director and Associate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics were awarded $3 million for the Vanderbilt Scholars in T4 Translational Research (V-STTaR). 

Deonni Stolldorf, Ph.D, RN was awarded an individual K01 career development award from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) for her project titled “Implementing and Sustaining Complex Interdisciplinary Healthcare Interventions: Learning from Medication Reconciliation.” The funding period starts 09/30/2017 and runs until 09/29/2020. 

Carolyn Audet, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor in Health Policy at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and a Research Fellow at the Implementation Research Institute at the Center for Mental Health Services at George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis, USA, was recently awarded a five-year, nearly $3-million grant by the National Institute of Mental Health aimed to reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Mozambique through a unique couples interventionin Mozanbique. Click here for more.

David Penson, M.D., MPH, Paul V. Hamilton, M.D., and Virginia E. Howd Professor of Urologic Oncology and chair of the Department of Urologic Surgery, has been selected to chair the American Urological Association (AUA) Science & Quality Council. Dr. Penson will assume the role of chair-elect on June 1 and begin his two-year term as chair on June 1, 2018. Click here for more.
Dr. Penson has been named an associate editor for The Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI).Click
here for more.

A farewell reception hosted by Dr. Russell Rothman on behalf of the Center for Health Services Research in honor of Dr. Ken Wallston was held on August 31, 2017.  Dr. Wallston is retiring after 46 years of service. He plans to continue his involvement at Vanderbilt as a consultant on the many projects he is still involved.Click here for photos of the event.

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