Theater Gold, Decoding Youth, Road to a Fulbright
Theater Gold, Decoding Youth, Road to a Fulbright
Designer receives festival’s top honor; young bloggers learn to reach parents; PhD student aims to spread creative storytelling in Jordan; and more
side-by-side photos of Leo Yan and of a needle drawing vaccine from a tube

The Ethics behind COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

As America is only weeks into distributing the COVID-19 vaccine, much talk has focused on who’s first in line to receive the shot and why. Students in philosophy faculty member Leo Yan’s courses have examined related ethical issues. Yan recently shared his students’ reactions, as well as his insights into issues surrounding vaccine distribution.
Theatre Festival Highlights Include Gold Medallion Award
Members of the Department of Theatre, Dance, and Performance participated in Region 2 of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, which the department hosted virtually in January.
Associate professor Nancy Pipkin-Hutchinson received the Kennedy Center Gold Medallion, the festival’s most prestigious regional award. In April, she will conclude her three-year term as elected chair of Design, Technology, and Management for the regional festival.
Also during the event, many of the department’s students presented their work, led workshops, or gave performances.
In addition, several students were recognized at the festival’s closing: Cat Hebner, with honorable mention for costume design; Eve Urban for volunteer management; and many student volunteers for their assistance with the event.
How do you inform parents and caregivers about today’s drug and alcohol scene? Journalism’s Erick Lauber and his students did it by building a popular blog and sneaking in the information. In two years, they’ve produced more than 80 posts for Decoding Today’s Youth.
Megan Heise, a student in the Composition and Applied Linguistics PhD program, has been recommended as a semifinalist for the 2021–22 Fulbright US Student Program. Her proposed project involves facilitating creative storytelling workshops with young refugees in Northern Jordan. 
Rachael Smith is the 2021 recipient of the Paul Goldberg Award, presented by the Society for American Archaeology. Her thesis is “The Use of Portable X-Ray Fluorescence to Distinguish Individuals in a Commingled Assemblage of Human Remains.”
Profiled in the #EberlyAmazingStudents series, master of business administration student April Murdick has shined in leadership roles and in helping new students transition to IUP.
Clarinet professor Rosemary Engelstad and Brittan Braddock M’16, director of bands at the University of West Florida, presented “Balance, Posture, and Gesture: Expanding Conducting Vocabulary for Better Health” at the 2021 Florida Music Education Association conference. 
Amanda Poole, Anthropology Department, coauthored an article, “Time with/out Telos: Eritrean Refugees’ Precarious Choice of Im/possible Futures in Ethiopia and Beyond,” published in Anthropological Quarterly.
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