Olympic Inspiration!
Olympic Inspiration!
August 15, 2016 - Volume 3 Issue 8
Real Life Spark
...igniting the next generation of YOU!
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Deb's Sparks
I love summer.  Growing up near the beach: summer, sand and surf are my bliss.  The early hints of Fall in late August are always  welcome, especially this summer with the record heat in the Northeast.  Wow, its been hot.  I'm looking forward to cooler nights in a couple of weeks.
On one of the hottest days this summer, I was lucky to see one of my favorite groups, The Go-Go's.  Every song brings me back to my high school and college days with happy memories.  Every song also inspires me to sing and dance, even if the heat index was 100+.  I don't think I have ever been more hot or sweaty in my life.  It was a blast!
The Summer Olympics are also great fun to watch every 4 years.  The Athletes have such spirit and determination.  I love listening to their stories of triumph and defeat.  It's interesting to hear how their losses inspire them to greatness!  
As Fall approaches and we all get back to our regular schedules and programming, what will inspire you?  Fall is a great time for a fresh start.
What can you learn from the Olympians to inspire your success?
Enjoy the last few weeks of summer and start thinking about how to jumpstart your Fall.
Wishing you peace, love and sparks of summer fun!  Deb
Igniting the Next Generation of YOU! Visualization
“The hard days are the best because that’s when champions are made, so if you push through, you can push through anything!” — Gabby Douglas, gymnastics
Visualization is a tool that's ready whenever you need it.  We've talked about vision boards and visualization before and it's interesting how it is used in sports. 
Another popular mental exercise used by athletes is visualization. In preparation for a game, athletes will run through different situations in their imagination as a kind of mental rehearsal. This way, when they are confronted with the situation in real-life, there mind is already primed to respond to the situation in an effective way.
Contrary to common misconceptions, visualization is most effective when athletes focus on process rather than outcomes.
The goal isn’t to imagine yourself already standing on the podium holding your medal, but instead imagine yourself putting in the work and doing the actions necessary to really get there.
Visualization isn’t about channeling the universe (ie “The Secret”) or any other kind of superstition. Instead, it’s a mental exercise that conditions your mind and body to act accordingly in the real world – and that’s what brings results.
The last paragraph is interesting since I do believe the Universe is conspiring for our individual success.  I also believe that if you see it, you will become it.  So the two disciplines come together for me in visualization!  Give it a try!
Tools You Can Use! Reframing
“You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” —Michael Phelps, swimming
Is the glass half full or half empty?  It's a matter of perspective and we can learn from Olympic Athletes the power of reframing their failures into learning opportunities.
Here's another excerpt from the above article:
Reframing is one’s ability to look at a situation or event from a different perspective. This is an important exercise for athletes, because it teaches them to see their failures as learning opportunities, and thereby extract the positive from all their experiences.
The ability to reframe anything allows athletes to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude even during hard times.
When Michael Phelps started the London 2012 Olympics with a few disappointing days, he was able to turn his attitude around by reminding himself to “have fun in there.” Three days later he won his first gold medal of 2012, and shortly after became the all-time record holder for most Olympic medals ever won.
Often people experience a loss or failure and decide to give up. However, reframing gives individuals the power and resilience to keep pushing themselves and improving. Elite athletes and Olympians are masters at reframing, whether they do it consciously or not. 
How can you use the reframing technique in your life?  Don't judge yourself or the situation harshly, step back and evaluate.  Then reframe into the positive! Give it a try!
Deb's Bookshelf
Our current book  is Your Divine Lens by Sue Frederick. Sue is my mentor and I'm looking forward to reading her latest book and sharing my insights with you.  Join me and read along!
Deb Wilber is an intuitive coach and personal transformation expert.  Her coaching practice, Real Life Spark™,  helps her clients  transform their lives from the inside out,  so they can live clear, confident and inspired to take action towards their best life!
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Powerful You! Women's Network
Date: 8/24/2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place:  Frank's Pizza, Flanders, NJ
Topic: Energetics presented by Candace Kounter
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This handbook of wisdom reminds you that you have the power within to create the life of your dreams.
Transformation through Volunteerism! is featured in the Giving Back section and includes tips for finding your volunteer tribe.
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 Change Your Attitude ... Change Your Life, is a weekly radio program airing Sundays at 12:30 AM on NY's WOR 710AM and iHeart Radio.  It's mission is to provide information to empower people to live happy, productive lives. Connecting the dots between mind, body, soul and spirit.
I'm fortunate to be a part of The Good Life team with articles and tips on personal transformation!
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