Midterm Time!
Midterm Time!
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Las Ganas Logo Latinos gaining Access to Networks for Advancement in Science
las ganas logo bottom Molecule

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We know midterms can be a very stressful time, especially for STEM students. We are here to support you as you prepare and take on these exams. Stop by the office or make an appointment to see us: come for the snacks, stay for support and good conversations. Hechale GANAS, you got this!
-L@s GANAS Staff
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Featured Partner MSLC
Check out MSLC Tutoring Services HERE
LARES Tutoring Schedule
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Now Hiring for STEM Career Positions
Hilda Lopez-arce Scholarship
UI Health
Apply to be an orientation leader
Emergency Funding for UIC Students

U & I Emergency Fund 

The U and I Care Fund provides temporary, short-term financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship. This emergency funding program is designed to offer financial assistance to students in the form of one-time awards (typically not exceeding $1000). Please be prepared to show documentation supporting claims. 
Examples of expenses typically covered: overdue rent, eviction, medical emergencies, safety needs. For more information click here
The application can be found here
Talk to your transition coach, advisor, or program coordinator for additional aid opportunities.
Learn about Illinois' new health coverage program for undocumented and low-income seniors here
HHM Dr. AIxa Alfonso Speaker of the evening
Develop your own internship search
Commuter APpreciation Day
Effective Networking WOrkshop

Need some help? Schedule a meeting with a L@s GANAS Staff Member!

Liz Ramirez (McG)     Paola Chavez (Transition Coach)     Sophia Silva (Transition Coach)
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