Dear Friend,

Blessings to each of you as you prepare for our final retreat together, A Rule of Life: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation on September 13-15. We are praying for health and planning for safety as we prepare for this time together.

Here are a few reminders for this retreat. Please let us know if you still have questions or concerns that are not addressed in this email, we would be so happy to talk further.

Remember to bring: 
  • A mask to wear indoors
  • Journal and Bible
  • Past retreat folders and books that might help you reflect over your 2-year experience
  • Comfortable walking shoes to be able to get outside during breaks and solitude
We look forward to seeing you soon!  

The TC16 Team 

Monday Dinner

We will assemble in the Riverwoods Amphitheater at 5:30 PM CT for a few words from Ruth about this final retreat and how we will be together before walking to dinner. Rest assured that we continue to hold the tensions of this season with you and that the same precautions that were in place during the last retreat, will remain for this one.

Group Spiritual Direction

Small groups will be able to gather for group spiritual direction in rooms that are large enough to accomodate physcial distancing. In addition to Monday dinner, groups will meet two other times, Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.

We have just a few community members who are unable to attend this retreat so we have invited them to join those times with a computer through Zoom. We want each group to have the chance to bring closure to this experience together and we are grateful for the technology that makes it possible.

Conveners for this retreat are: Larry Parsley, Trena Garrett, Eric Ochocki, Maiya Lueptow, Deborah Harris, Marcus Thorne, Carolyn Wilson, Shannon Lobel, John LaNoue, Shari Monson, Tina Bracken, Keith Loo, Christine O'Brien, Scott See, and Michael Shuck

In-Person Retreat Attendance

Please read the following information regarding protocols for check-in and what to expect in our time together.

Arrival and Lodging

As on previous retreats, you will be staying in a private room at Q Center. You can check in between 3:30pm and 5pm CT on Monday, September 13th. Before dinner, we will gather in the Riverwoods Amphitheatre (one floor above the usual teaching area, St. Charles Amphitheater) at 5:30pm.

When you arrive at Q Center, you will enter through the main reception and be asked a series of COVID related questions before having your temperature taken. There is a waiver you will be asked to sign. If you'd like to review it ahead of time click here.

Several from our team will be there to welcome you with your name badge and answer any other questions you might have. 

The TC check-in table will not be ready prior to 3:30pm.  Q Center will make every effort to accommodate you if you arrive early, but we are not able to guarantee early check-in. Thankfully waiting areas are comfortable and Q Center grounds are lovely — you can enjoy the environment while you wait.

All meals will either be "grab and go" or served by Q Center staff abiding by COVID safetly protocols. There are also refreshments provided between meals in the morning and afternoon. 

Safety for Everyone

Click here for the guidelines that Q Center has carefully put into place during this Covid-19 season. Masks must be worn at all times except when eating, outdoors or in your private rooms. Physical distancing will be practiced both in the teaching room and our prayer space and it is encouraged whenever possible.

Requests for Prayer
and Pastoral Care

Our intercessory prayer team and community pastors are available to meet with you while we are together but it will require planning ahead just a bit. Please don't hesitate to reach out for what you need on this retreat. As always, the content of these meetings will be confidential.


Please email Jerry at to schedule time during afternoon solitude. 

Pastoral Care

If you would like to connect with a community pastor please email Rick.

Important Certificate Information

If you are working towards the Certificate in Spiritual Transformation and have outstanding papers to turn in, make sure those are emailed to no later than September 10, 2021 (the Friday before the retreat) in order to qualify for the certificate. For more information, please refer to the Missed Retreat and Make up Assignment tab on the TC16 website

Community Website

Don't forget to check out the TC16 community private website for important information (past emails, required readings and much more). 


Remember, if you will be absent for any or all of the retreat or late for Monday dinner, email both and your small group to let them know so they can be aware of the things going on for you and can hold you in prayer. 
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