Newsletter of Smith Memorial Student Union at Portland State University
Newsletter of Smith Memorial Student Union at Portland State University
Food Pantry Back in Smith
Renovation of the Smallwood Food Pantry for PSU students was completed in late November and the student staff of the Pantry has spent the break moving into their expanded space in the Smith basement. The Food Pantry is a student-fee funded resource to help alleviate food insecurity for all Portland State students. 

SMITH 048 is easy to find in the main corridor that runs between the Cramer tunnel and the FMH tunnel (just down the hall from the Viking Gameroom). Check out the Food Pantry’s website at for more information on hours or to learn about volunteer opportunities.

The Food Pantry's expanded and renovated space in the Smith basement. space in the Smith basement.
Located next door to its previous space in the basement of Smith, the expanded Smallwood Food Pantry offers more places for students to browse and more places for staff to store donated food stuffs. The pantry is now named for former pantry manager Bobby Smallwood, who became a security officer at Legacy Good Samaritan hospital. He was killed last summer in the line of duty.
Get the more news on the pantry reopening (first day Tuesday, Jan. 9) by following psu_foodpantry on Instagram. Image from their feed shown.
Smith's Winter Term Hours

We hope you find Smith Memorial Student Union warm and inviting this winter term. Our building hours will be:
  • Student, staff and faculty with standard PSU ID access – 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily
  • Broadway doors open to the general public – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-F
  • Those PSU staff members with extended building access will have that access to Smith. If you have questions about extended building access or feel you have staff who need such access, contact building manager Mercedes Youngston who will review it with you.
  • The building will be open for scheduled events evenings and weekends. Event attendees without PSU IDs usually can get assistance entering at the SW Broadway entrance.
  • University Market will be open 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. M-Th; til 5 p.m. on Fridays.
  • Food service amenities — such as Smith’s coffee+eats (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. M-Th; til 4 p.m. F), Bowery Bagels (7 a.m. to 3 p.m. M-Th; til 1 p.m. F), Smith’s Kitchen food court (11 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-Th; til 2 p.m. F) — will be open weekdays. Again this term, the food court will feature Kunniq Gourmet Sausage, ACE Sushi and Shwarma Spot.
  • In Viking Pavilion, the Versa Cafe will feature Bashas Mediterranean, smoothies, breakfast wraps and sandwiches weekdays. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-Th; 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. F.
  • Viking Gameroom in the basement will have open game times from noon to 6 p.m. M-F unless a special event is scheduled. You can check availability on the Gameroom website calendar.
And, yes, we are thinking about changing the name of this newsletter to "Smith Building Hours Scoop." Hope this info helps!

Smith Open Longer During Inclement Weather

With the start of the winter term, the Smith Operations team at Portland State University would like to remind you of Smith Memorial Student Union’s inclement weather practices: 
When Portland State University delays the start of the academic day due to weather concerns, Smith Operations will attempt to open the building 30 minutes before the start of classes to accommodate students and staff. For example, if the alert says the day will start at 10 a.m., expect Smith to open around 9:30 a.m. The exact time might vary based on travel conditions for staff. 
In these specific circumstances Smith will also remain open 30 minutes past the end of University closure time to provide a little protection from the elements.
If the University announces it will be closed for the day due to extreme weather, Smith will also be closed.
If you have a meeting or event scheduled in Smith on a day impacted by inclement weather, the Campus Events & Student Union staff will reach out to your event contact person to determine the event’s status or to help reschedule.
Contact building manager Mercedes Youngston or the Campus Events staff with questions or, to report building issues during extreme weather.
Always remember: If PSU does not delay the start of a workday or close due to inclement weather, but you are concerned about your personal safety, you should make the right decision for yourself. Please review the information on signing up for PSU Alerts and find out more about weather policy on the campus safety website.

The Smith Scoop promotes events, programs, services, and resources of interest to those who use Portland State University's Smith Memorial Student Union.
To let us know about your event or changes in your department or Smith-based group, drop us a line via our Content Submission Form.
To view past Smith Scoop editions, visit The Smith Scoop archive

We hope you enjoy The Smith Scoop and your time at Smith Memorial Student Union!
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