Real life spark
Igniting the Next Generation of YOU!
June 2014
Volume 1, Issue 6
Deb's Sparks!
The official start of Summer is just around the corner!  Let's stop for a minute and think of the seeds we planted in the Spring....thinking...thinking...OK, ready?
What seeds did you plant?  It's now time to start harvesting the summer fruits of our dreams.  My Spring was very busy with volunteer work and travel and family and of course, Real Life Spark.  I was more focused on the present in the Spring than the future...but there were great flashes of intuition and inspiration.  
These ideas are my summer fruit.  I have a busy summer ahead working on new services and packages, a refresh of my website and some writing that I have started.  It's exciting to watch the Spring seeds of our dreams grow into Summer fruit!
Peace, Love and Sparks!  Deb
Igniting the Next Generation of YOU!
Where do you find inspiration?  Is it where you least expect it?  Or do you follow a process or ritual that that gets your creative juices flowing and inspiration follows?
When you need a break, what's your go-to activity?  A movie?  Exercise? A book? Dinner with friends?
As a coach, I am always looking for the clues in the stories that my clients tell, that reveal their inner spark!  It's usually the everyday activities but we are often too close to recognize them.
So the next time you need inspiration or a break, pay attention to your own ritual.  Pick up a new book to read or try a different genre of movie. Notice what you do and how you feel, because when you open yourself up to new information, interesting things happen.
Are you ready to Ignite the Next Generation of You?
Click to schedule Information Session for 15 minutes with Deb Wilber
Tools You Can Use! - Pay Attention, Part 2!
Last month's tool generated positive feedback.  It's a simple and meaningful tool.  Pay Attention. This month, let's take it to the next level.
Hopefully, you have been paying attention to the signs, nudges, and winks from the Universe. They surround us each day, but we typically don't pay attention.  
Recently, I had an experience that caused me to stop and pay attention.  It was Friday the 13th, a full moon and Mercury was in retrograde.  A lot of cosmic stuff going on. This is the day that the brakes on my car decided not to work.  
The Universe had my back that day.  There were no other cars on the road when my brakes failed and I was able to safely stop and call for assistance.  This changed my plans for the day and got my attention.
At the end of the day, when my car had been repaired and I was home safe, I replayed the events around the brake failure.  That was my a-ha moment.  When I looked at my plan for the day and what my real activities were, it was a clear message to me.  And I took note.
I challenge you to continue to pay attention this month and see what the Universe is saying to you.  It's as simple as noticing when something gets your attention.  What's the message for you?  My brake failure was not a message to buy a new car, it was a message about my life's purpose and staying on my path. Stay tuned...
Please join the Real Life Spark tribe on Facebook by clicking the LIKE button on the RLS Facebook page.  We share meditation tips, gratitude and our free-spirited ideas.  
Website Update!
It's time to refresh the website and introduce new services and packages!  Watch the July Newsletter for more information.
Is this all there is?
Are you searching for the meaning in your life?  Are you at the point where you are asking:  Who Am I?  Why am I here? A Discovery session will help you find your spark, jump start your journey and allow you to re-discover yourself and your purpose. 
Click to schedule Discovery Session for 60 minutes with Deb Wilber
Need a Speaker?
Are you a member of a group or professional organization looking for interesting speakers?  I am available to speak to your group and would be happy to customize the presentation!  Send me a quick email and I will contact you:  deb@reallifespark.com
Deb Wilber is a professional intuitive coach and owner of Real Life Spark, a coaching practice dedicated to Igniting the Next Generation of You!TM 
She studied with Sue Frederick, renowned Intuitive and Amazon best-selling author of “I See Your Dream Job”, “I See Your Soul Mate” and “Bridges to Heaven”.  When asked about Deb, Sue says “Deb is a shining star among my intuitive coaches. Her integrity, strength and insight is flawless. She gets my highest recommendation.” 
You will benefit from Deb’s authentic approach and unique skills, refined from years as a Senior Corporate Executive, well educated with a Masters and Bachelors in Business Administration.
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