Tools You Can Use! - Pay Attention, Part 2!
Last month's tool generated positive feedback. It's a simple and meaningful tool. Pay Attention. This month, let's take it to the next level.
Hopefully, you have been paying attention to the signs, nudges, and winks from the Universe. They surround us each day, but we typically don't pay attention.
Recently, I had an experience that caused me to stop and pay attention. It was Friday the 13th, a full moon and Mercury was in retrograde. A lot of cosmic stuff going on. This is the day that the brakes on my car decided not to work.
The Universe had my back that day. There were no other cars on the road when my brakes failed and I was able to safely stop and call for assistance. This changed my plans for the day and got my attention.
At the end of the day, when my car had been repaired and I was home safe, I replayed the events around the brake failure. That was my a-ha moment. When I looked at my plan for the day and what my real activities were, it was a clear message to me. And I took note.
I challenge you to continue to pay attention this month and see what the Universe is saying to you. It's as simple as noticing when something gets your attention. What's the message for you? My brake failure was not a message to buy a new car, it was a message about my life's purpose and staying on my path. Stay tuned...