Partnerships lead to outdoor classroom, budget planning begins
Partnerships lead to outdoor classroom, budget planning begins
The Gresham-Barlow School District
Employee Newsletter
February 2023
Superintendent James Hiu head shot
State legislature to begin discussing funding for K-12 schools
Your voice needed as we advocate for adequate state funding
In the spring of 2022, we surveyed staff to find out which coworkers they appreciate and why. Watch for these exceptional individuals highlighted on social media and in issues of the Insider throughout the school year!
GBSD staff appreciation awards with Superintendent James Hiu
Community members smiling with shovels and garden gloves
Outdoor classroom at Clear Creek Middle School serves as core of school’s ecology program
Volunteers do the heavy lifting to make site accessible, learn how you can help! 

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Graphic saying
GBSD Celebrates Black History Month
On February 1 the Gresham-Barlow School Board passed a resolution recognizing February 2023 as Black History Month.
Help us share how schools and classrooms are commemorating Black History Month!
Email your photos and a description to:
Foundation has funded more than $19,000 in grant requests this school year
Learn how you can submit a grant request
National School Counseling Week Logo
The Gresham-Barlow School District is celebrating National School Counseling week February 6-10, 2023. This week highlights the essential work of school counselors in our schools. School counselors make a difference by focusing their work on the academic, personal/social, and career needs of all students. Through advocacy and an equity mindset, school counselors engage students, families, and community partners to meet the needs of every student and allow them to DREAM BIG! Thank you counselors!!
Staff members sitting at a reserved table eating
Clear Creek Middle School staff connecting at the Troutdale Food Carts post-professional development.
GBSD staff wellness committee 
Group dedicated to supporting holistic wellness at all levels of the District
Photos of staff members working together at tables
In January, members of the Gresham Barlow Educaiton Association met with District Administrators to review changes to the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement. The goal of the meeting was to build community, strengthen collaboration, and identify practices that will set us up for success. Many thanks to all who participated!
Students making paper helicopters
Students craft paper drones
GBSD’S mobile innovation lab makes a stop at Kelly Creek Elementary
Fifth grade students learn problem-solving skills while tackling creative challenges
  • Edustaff
    If you have people interested in subbing for the district, please have them apply online at

  • Leave requests
    Please make sure that you are submitting your leave requests to your building supervisor before you take your time off.  All paid and unpaid leave needs to be approved by your supervisor before being submitted.

  • Information changes
    Please make sure if you have any information changes that you contact Human Resources to have them changed within our systems such as address, name changes (with social security card changes only), phone numbers, etc.

Group of students taking notes as one student harvest a vegetable from plant
Hogan Cedars Elementary School’s 4th graders are harvesting a variety of vegetables and learning math, science, and language arts in the process! Students grew their vegetables using tower gardens. They recorded the measurements of the roots and leaves in their journals before making a salad to enjoy in class! The students took some produce home to share with their families.
5th grade girl smiling next to kindergarten girl
Students at North Gresham Elementary School are inspiring a love of reading in the younger crowd!! Each year 5th graders and kindergarten students are partnered up to become reading buddies for the school year! The students build relationships and have fun reading books like “Pete the Cat” and “5 Little Pumpkins.” They also create art that goes along with the stories they read! Amazing work, North Stars!
EGES students dressed in chinese culture attire
East Gresham Elementary School first graders are ready for the white stuff! They recently learned how tiny snowflakes accumulate and brainstormed other things they wish would fall from the sky like snow. They spelled words using their phonemic blending skills. What would they like to see fall from the sky?  Kittens, puppies, ice cream, Legos, pizza, and candy of course!
Dates to remember
  • February 20: Presidents' Day - No School
  • February 23: Board Strategic Planning Retreat
  • March 1: School Board Work Session
  • March 1: School Board Business Meeting
  • March 2: NEA Read Across America Day/Dr. Seuss Day
  • March 6-10: Classified Employee Week 
  • March 10: Elementary School - Curriculum & Instruction Day - No School
  • March 10: Middle School - Grading Day - No School 
  • March 10: High School - Standards & Assessment Day - No School 
  • March 12: Daylight Savings Time Begins (Set Clocks Ahead One Hour) 
  • March 15: School Board Work Session
  • March 22: Budget 101 Meeting
  • March 27-31: Spring Break - No School 
Inspire and Empower Each Student
Questions or Comments? Contact Athena Vadnais | 503-261-4550
Gresham-Barlow School District recognizes the diversity and worth of all individuals and groups.  It is the policy of this district and the board of education that there will be no discrimination or harassment of individuals or groups in any educational programs, activities or employment. 
Gresham-Barlow provides equal access to individuals with disabilities.  

Publication of The Insider constitutes official notification to employees of the
Gresham-Barlow School District
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