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Hi all,
We hope you are having a great week! We want to encourage you to check out summer opportunities available for you. Make the most out of your summer through study abroad, internships, research, or volunteer opportunities. L@s GANAS is here to support you with your application, don't hesitate to reach out if you need help!
Liz Ramirez
Director, L@s GANAS

What to expect on the newsletter?

For those who did not see last week's newsletter, my name is Valeria Esparza and I am in charge of the newsletter. What should you expect on the newsletter: there are various opportunities connected to STEM ambitions, including research and internship opportunities! This newsletter will also showcase what L@S Ganas does within our mentoring and research programs, Mentoring Con Ganas and the Research Fellowship. This newsletter will give you the chance to interact and use any of the resources for your own career ambitions!
Once again, I have provided a link that takes you straight into a google form, allowing you to give me suggestions for the newsletter. Feel free to fill this out in your free time! I really want to hear about your ideas, and it would be greatly appreciated if you filled it out :)

Share your Suggestions

Our student ambassadors have also started Instagram Takeovers to showcase what they do on a daily basis, including their jobs, research, and everyday school and personal activities. Follow our IG to get the chance to see these fun takeovers and ask questions: lasganasuic

Last week, ASP met and talked about all the wonderful opportunities that are available to us. We talked about summer opportunities, all ranging from research, study abroad, to internships. Three of our wonderful and hard-working students talked to the class about their own summer experiences, which were very insightful! Thank you Janellie, Omar and Elizabeth for sharing your experiences. 

Mentors and Mentees meet weekly for study hours. Here is a picture of mentor Jimena (right) with her mentee Janellie (left) on a quick coffee run to chat and catch up! How fun :)

I am sure many of you are starting to feel the chaos of the beginning of the semester, and maybe even some stress build up, but remember to prioritize your well-being!
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