Travel Oregon
Travel Oregon Industry Update Outdoor Recreation Development
Oregon Outdoor Recreation Statewide Public Outreach Meeting Update
More than 225 people attended the first three public outreach meetings for the Oregon Outdoor Recreation Initiative. Attendees represented all corners of the outdoor recreation industry from land managers, elected officials and private businesses to passionate user groups. Discussions have focused on gathering feedback on the priority two-year strategies for expanding outdoor recreation in Oregon developed by the Oregon Outdoor Recreation Leadership Team. This feedback will be invaluable for finalizing priority strategies for collective action. Participants have voiced a need for stronger collaboration, access to new and diverse funding for outdoor recreation infrastructure, better transporation options and the importance of striking a balance between permitting use and building awareness around stewardship. Join us at one of our two remaining meetings: La Grande on Wednesday, May 3 and Bend on Thursday, May 4. Learn more and register online.
Give us Your Feedback
If you are unable to attend one of the public outreach meetings, please complete our online survey by Monday, May 22 to provide your input on the Oregon Outdoor Recreation Initiative. We want to better understand the opportunities you see for enhancing outdoor recreation in Oregon, along with any barriers you forsee. Findings from the survey and public outreach meetings will be shared with the Oregon Outdoor Recreation Leadership Team and utilized to fine-tune the direction of this initiative. 
FEATURED: Grant Opportunities
Connecting with resources for outdoor recreation projects has been a common theme at our statewide public outreach meetings. Below are a couple of important opportunities for your consideration. Note: Deadlines for both are in June 2017.
Nike Community Impact Fund
The Nike Community Impact Fund awards eight grants of $5,000 to local non-profit groups in Oregon that make physical activity, play and sport a highly valued part of everyday life. Eighty percent of the grants support projects that deliver impact through the lens of sport and physical activity, while the remaining 20 percent support organizations and projects that address community challenges through innovative solutions. Apply online by June 1, 2017.
National Park Service (NPS) River, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program
The River, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program provides technical assistance for locally-led conservation and outdoor projects. No direct funding is provided through this program. To find out if this program can help your community please review the application process and contact your nearest NPS representative to schedule an exploratory phone call. Expressions of interest are due by the end of May and applications are due by June 30, 2017. Learn more and apply today.
Watch the New Gorge Town to Trails Video
Friends of the Columbia Gorge recently produced a video that showcases the Gorge Towns to Trails concept, a 200-mile European-style hiking experience along both sides of the Columbia River from Troutdale to the mouth of the Deschutes. The video, developed in part through a Travel Oregon Rural Tourism Studio matching grant, informs users about the potential for multi-day hiking experiences in the Columbia Gorge that pass through five distinct ecological zones and end each day in a different town with amazing local food and lodging properties. We hope to see you on the developed parts of the trail this summer!
SAVE the DATE: OSU Outdoor Recreation Summit, October 16-17, 2017 
The Outdoor Recreation Summit is a two-day adventure, convened by both Oregon State University Extension Service and Travel Oregon. The summit is open to people throughout the state and aims to engage attendees in discussion and learning. In addition to a list of local presenters, speakers will include Luis Benitez from the Colorado Governor’s Office of Outdoor Recreation and Stacy Bare, the Director of Sierra Club Outdoors.
The goals of the summit are to:
  • Elevate outdoor recreation as a major driver of Oregon's economy
  • Convene community leaders, industry, government, and (OSU) faculty around the outdoor economy
  • Advance collaborative community-based projects across the state
More information and registration will be available soon on the Oregon State University Extension website.
Top banner photo credit: Tyler Roemer

Upcoming Events

May 10-12, 2017
Salem, Ore.
Oregon Governor's Conference on Tourism
June 9-11, 2017
Hood River, Ore.
Aug. 26-29, 2017
Minneapolis, Minn.
Oct. 16-17, 2017
Corvallis, Ore.
OSU Outdoor Recreation Summit (registration coming soon)
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