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NUCDF Announces Death of
Debra Geary Hook

Debra Geary Hook

October 16, 2022
The National Urea Cycle Disorders Foundation issued the following statement:
It is with great sadness that NUCDF announces the loss of another of our own. Debra Geary Hook passed away suddenly on Sunday, October 9th, 2022.
Debra was our star Dietician and served as a NUCDF Medical Advisory Board member for over twenty years. She was a recognized expert in the nutrition care of urea cycle disorders, a keynote speaker for NUCDF, here and abroad, and a passionate patient advocate. But most importantly, she was every family’s lifeline.
I first met Deb in 1996 during our regular clinic visit in Loma Linda, California. She had just begun working for Dr. Bartley and was a breath of fresh air. She was intelligent and energetic and treated our family with the utmost care. Thus, began our long professional relationship and personal friendship. Deb was there day or night if we needed her during a nutritional crisis, at home, or in the hospital. She was our advocate and dedicated herself to all of our NUCDF families in the same manner. 
Thank you, Deb, for your tireless work to help improve the lives of those with urea cycle disorders.
We will miss Deb’s dedication, passion, support, friendship, and wonderful smile.
Eva Oseland ~ National Urea Cycle Disorders Foundation, Board Member
I write with extreme sorrow to express my anguish over Debra’s passing.  She provided exceptional care to many urea cycle patients and other patients with inborn metabolic disorders in Southern California, the United States, and the World.  I frequently turned to her for guidance in the management of patients with metabolic disorders.  She was the brightest, most intuitive, and compassionate person I have known.
Please call me (cell 909-633-6578) at any time you wish to discuss your child’s disorder.
James Bartley MD, PhD
In Memory

75 S. Grand Ave
Pasadena, CA 91105 US

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