A message from Marlene…
We Give Thanks for You
Dear friends,
As we enter into the season of thanks and giving, we remember those who will be cold and hungry, seeking shelter and grace, and reflect upon how thankful and blessed we are for all you do to help in giving others hope.
From the bottom of my heart, I personally want to thank the countless individuals and volunteers who contributed to the success of our Covid-19 Impact Fund campaign. Because of your generous support, we will be able to serve our neighbors who will walk through our doors in the coming months and offer them the chance for the fresh start they deserve. This is a challenging time for both our agency and our clients, but with your enduring support, we will continue to offer hope and healing to our neighbors in need of care.
In this issue, we share opportunities on how you can make a difference this season. I am thrilled to announce that we will be able to offer our Empty Bowls event and Rochester’s favorite Adopt a Family program in a new Covid-safe format.
I wish you and your family a safe and blessed Thanksgiving. Thank you for all that you do to support the hungry and most vulnerable in our community.
In gratitude,
President & CEO