MAY 2024
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Congratulations Class of 2024!
Mauricio Alejandro Torres Alarcon Jude Abdulwahab Alzughaibi John T. Barnes Alexander E. Charlton Lily A. Damron Kyrec Shunsen Day Uris Delgado Rachel DePratti Ashley M. Esty Stephanie M. Faura Roberto Ferreira De Araujo Ryan Foster-Baird James John Fredrickson Christopher N. Garcia-Martinez Brian P. Hearsey Jr. Sarah Heaton Lee Wayne Hou Alexander Charles Ianson Sydnee Renee Jiggetts Sae-Jong Jordan Carl Severt Julin Damien Krzesinski Devon Kuhn Talynn Brooke Leach Carlos Frederick Lenz Lance Christian Santiago Maldonado Vincent Luc McGarry Archana Menawat Jason Leodan Monteflores Carson Robert Morency Amber N. Morse Sidney L. Mullins Tyson Samuel Nader Panah Esfandiar Neshati Spencer Duncan Phillips Jessilee Danielle Dorothy Pollet Claudiu Ciprian Rogojan Vasile Daniel Rogojan Casey Will Ruken Dennis Edward Serrano Eugene Ward II Olivia Clarica Williams Daniel Rafic Zaitoun
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Mason Film Festival
Thank you to everyone who came out for the annual Mason Film Festival. Congratulations to all students on your screenings, pitches, and staged readings. Your work is inspiring, and we look forward to seeing what you create next.
The festival is made possible because of the hard work of Film at Mason staff and faculty: we appreciate all of you. We also thank our Film at Mason Advisory Board, FAVS alumni, and film community members who participated on our juries. We are grateful for the time you spent watching student films and providing them with supportive feedback.
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A Successful Fundraiser
We are happy to announce that we raised $6,080 to go toward Film at Mason scholarships for the coming academic year. Thank you to everyone who contributed gifts, especially to Willy Meaux, who initiated our successful match challenge.
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Thank you to our generous supporters of Film at Mason Gifts are recognized from August 2023 - May 2024
Producer ($2,500 and above) CAF American Donor Fund GMU Alumnus Willy Meaux
Director ($1,000-$2,499) Andrew D. Reaser Leading Role ($100-$999) L. Whitman Brown Cynthia and Thomas Judge Mack and Paulette Miller Melissa J. Houghton Michael J. Howard Maryam and Hamid Kasmai Mr. Rick Davis and Ms. Julie Thompson John Kelly
Supporting Role (up to $99) Colleen K. Arthur Emily and Bill Rusch Julia Decker Kiley M. Kraskouskas Lewis and Anne Wright Michael and Amanda Snellings Ronald J. Sanchez Samantha Beach Sinagra Johnna Johnson
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Registration Reminder
Registration for Fall 2024 courses has begun! If you have questions or concerns regarding your schedule or course offerings, reach out to your Academic Advisor, Maddie Portnoy, at mportnoy@gmu.edu
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Fall 2024 Course Spotlight Please click here to see more courses available in Fall 2024.
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FAVS 366 Video Production for Social Change Monday, 1:30-4:10pm | AB 1007 Professor Rebekah Wingert-Jabi
This video production course emulates a professional production environment where student teams, under the instructor’s supervision, produce effective pieces for local community-based non-profit organizations. Students will assess clients’ goals, develop a creative concept and strategy, and a statement of work. Developing professionalism and collaboration, students will see their work reach beyond the classroom, speaking to broad and also specific audiences.
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FAVS 399 Elections, Issues, and Films Thursday, 1:30-4:10 | Planet 224 Professor Samirah Alkassim
In this class, students explore fiction and non-fiction films that reflect major concerns during an American presidential election year. These concerns connect to the foundational mythology of American democracy and are reflected in issues such as health care, lobbies, immigration reform, climate change, surveillance, and civil and human rights. Films include James DeMonaco’s The Purge: Election Year, Raoul Peck’s I Am Not Your Negro, Laura Poitras’ Citizen Four, Ava DuVernay’s 13th, and Jose Antonio Vargas’ Documented.
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FAVS 399 Documentary Film Editing Monday, 1:30-4:10pm | IN 233 Professor Maura Ugarte
This three-credit course focuses on the art and craft of editing a documentary film. We will study editing theory, current trends in documentary, ethical considerations, how to shape documentary stories, and how to approach different modes of documentary storytelling. We will also discuss technical considerations such as workflow, incorporating archival material, and using sound and visual effects. The course primarily uses Adobe software.
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FAVS 399 Color Correction Tuesday, 4:30-7:10pm | AB 2001 Professor Russell Santos
In this course, students will learn The Art and Technique of Color Correction, which will further their artistic skills, whether they're a cinematographer, editor, or director, making their finished image stand out with a cinematic and polished look. They will use the Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Mini Panel to enhance their skills and quickly master the tricks of the trade.
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Student Academy Awards Application
The Student Academy Awards (SAA) recognizes and honors student filmmakers who demonstrate excellence in the creation of motion pictures. By awarding these outstanding achievements, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences strives to support and inspire emerging filmmakers and to foster growth and education in the art and science of motion pictures.
The deadline for the Student Academy Awards is June 1, 2024. Get your project ready for submission and read the rules carefully.
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New York Indie Shorts Awards Competition
The New York Indie Shorts Awards Competition’s goal is to find talented filmmakers who have something to communicate through art and to help them promote their work.
Students can submit a student I.D. to receive a student discount.
Final Deadline: June 22, 2024
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Faculty Achievement
Professor G. Chesler has been awarded a Regional Arts and Culture Council grant for post-production on their documentary feature, Connection | Isolation, which focuses on trans lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find updates on the film’s upcoming festival schedule at this Instagram and website. The poster is designed by Grey Copeland, who graduated this Spring. Congratulations, Grey!
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Professor Benjamin Steger’s music documentary series, Vibrations, is screening at film festivals. Vibrations: Dharma Punks is at the Bali International Film Festival, June 1-7 and the Lighthouse International Film Festival in Long Beach Island, New Jersey, June 5-9. Dharma Punks debuted at the Kansas City Film Fest International in April and recently screened at the Barebones International Film Festival in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Vibrations: Offerings had its North American debut at the Harlem International Film Festival, May 16-26 and its European debut at the Mediawave International Film and Music Gathering in Budapest, Hungary, May 15-20. Vibrations: Offerings was awarded “Winning Episode” at the Harlem International Film Festival and can be temporarily streamed on their website.
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Professor Tommy Britt contributed a chapter, "What is Television?", to the new book, Adapting Television and Literature. His chapter uses Sartre as a starting point to examine Twin Peaks and Too Old to Die Young as existentialist crime dramas and auteur television. He also presented a new paper about horror films and mental health at Nightmare24 at the Northern School of Art.
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Professor May Santiago published her article, “The Global Dimensions of Online Fandom: Caution! Zine and the Killers,” in Rock Music Studies (30 April 2024). The piece details the inception and history of Caution! Zine, a physical and online fanzine dedicated to the Killers that launched during the initial days of the COVID-19 pandemic. See the article here.
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Tony Marquez (Film, ‘12) is featured in an article in ShoutOutLA; a lifestyle publication based in Los Angeles.
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Damon Beirne (Film, ‘16) has started a post-production company called Post Transition Services. His company provides “Intelligent solutions to creative problems.”
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Film Opportunities and Resources
Festival Submissions:
- Chelsea Film Festival – Deadlines: Late: May 31, 2024, Extended: July 7, 2024
- MY HERO International Film Festival – Deadlines: Regular: June 1, 2024, Late: August 1, 2024. *Student filmmakers submit for free. Contact the organizer for a waiver.
- Moonwhite Films International Film Festival – Deadline: Regular: June 15, 2024, Late: September 15, 2024
- Newport Beach Film Festival – Deadline: June 28, 2024
- Black Alphabet Film Festival 2024 – Deadlines: Regular: July 1, 2024, Late: August 15, 2024
- Short Film Festival – Deadline: July 14, 2024
- Mirror Mountain Film Festival – Deadlines: Early Bird: July 15, 2024, Regular: December 16, 2024
- Double Exposure Film Festival – Deadlines: Early Bird: July 15, 2024, Regular: September 16, 2024
Job Opportunities:
- John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (Washington, DC) is accepting applicants to join their in-house Multimedia team. Through their Digital Stage, they regularly produce and present exceptional performances crafted for the camera, intimate artist stories, and live broadcasts and captures.
- Distant Moon (Leesburg, VA) is hiring a Film Editor to produce assemblies, rough cuts, fine cuts, and final cuts and to represent the client's vision.
- The 2024 BlackStar Film Festival (Philadelphia, PA) is looking for volunteers to provide support before and during this year’s Festival. Applications will be open through June 20th, 2024. Apply to volunteer here.
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Did you miss our last newsletter? Check out the archives here.
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We want to hear from you! If you have news you would like to contribute, please send it to film@gmu.edu. We are looking for regional film events and updates from Film at Mason alumni. Keep up-to-date on all the current Film at Mason news at film.gmu.edu.
Film and Video Studies
College of Visual and Performing Arts
4400 University Dr. MSN 5D8
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-993-3287 | film@gmu.edu