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Happy Holidays!
Film at George Mason wishes everyone a safe, relaxing, and joyful holiday season. We look forward to welcoming you back in 2025!
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Photo by the Art in Transit Program
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Metro’s Art in Transit Program showcases CVPA students' artwork Four students in the College of Visual and Performing Arts created original animations that are being displayed in six Metro stations as part of Metro's Art in Transit Program.
The animations will be in rotation for a full year in the stations at Crystal City, Farragut North, NoMa-Gallaudet U, Gallery Place-Chinatown, L’Enfant Plaza, and Metro Center.
This exciting partnership came about in fall 2023 when Professor Rebekah Wingert-Jabi introduced the project to Cynthia Fuchs. Cynthia and School of Art Professor Gail Scott White met with Metro’s Art in Transit team to discuss how George Mason students could participate in WMATA’s Digital Art Installation Series. Students began working on their projects in the summer and continued through fall of 2024.
Metro would like to continue collaborating with CVPA students in the future. There will be more opportunities for all CVPA students, including FAVS, to participate.
Read more here.
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Spring 2025 Registration
Registration for Spring 2025 is still open to everyone. If you have questions or concerns regarding your schedule or course offerings, reach out to your Academic Advisor, Maddie Portnoy, at mportnoy@gmu.edu.
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Spring 2025 Course Spotlight There are still open seats left in the following courses:
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FAVS 225 Introduction to World Cinema Multiple Sections Offered Open to all majors
This course explores examples of many kinds of films from around the world, including documentary, fiction, and experimental. Students will learn to analyze film language and structures, with attention to cinema's many contexts, including economic institutions, historical events, political and social issues that shape and are shaped by movies.
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FAVS 331 Cinematography Multiple sections offered
This course aims to recreate a professional camera department environment. By the end of the course, students should be able to understand and perform the function of first assistant cameraperson or second assistant cameraperson on a camera crew. Students will understand the history, function, art, craft, and science of cinematography.
Required Prerequisites: FAVS 204 and FAVS 255
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FAVS 300 Global Horror Film Multiple sections offered
This course is an introduction to the horror film genre. Looking at various national and transnational cinemas, the course traces horror’s development from its literary beginnings through contemporary filmic storytelling. We’ll consider artistic, commercial, and sociopolitical aspects of the horror film and explore themes such as war, terror, and censorship. Students will learn to identify how horror texts both reflect and influence cultural interdependence and inequality across the world.
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FAVS 333 Sound Editing and Recording Multiple Sections Offered
This course instructs students on the theories, techniques and technologies pertaining to recording audio in the field and studio and to audio editing and mixing for film and video. The course will be lecture based with practical lab and field exercises applying concepts and equipment presented during the lecture.
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Spring 2025Winter Warm-Up and Production Fair
Friday, February 7, 2025 11am-1pm Johnson Center Dewberry Hall Come listen to production students pitch their projects and sign up to work on student film sets. Meet new and returning students and enjoy free refreshments.
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Mason Film Festival Poster Design Contest
Film at George Mason is asking GMU students to submit designs for our 2025 Mason Film Festival poster design contest. The winning poster will be displayed across campus in both print and digital formats. The winner will receive a $150 award and will be honored in our newsletter, website, and social media platforms.
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Rules and Specifications:
- Poster design should relate to Film
- The design must be created using the university colors and fonts must be from the approved fonts list per the university branding guidelines.
- George Mason green (#005239) and gold (#FFC733) must be used as the primary colors of the design. - Accent Colors can be used in small touches to emphasize important content. - Approved accent colors: Red: #CC4824, Teal: #008285, Gray: #727579, Navy: #004F71, Black: #000000 - Font options: Figtree, Open Sans, Noto Serif, Acumin Pro, Kandal (fonts can be downloaded here).
- The final design should fit on an 11x17 poster
- Include dates and location of festival: Tuesday, 4/29, Wednesday, 4/30 and Saturday, 5/3 in the Johnson Center Cinema
- Leave space at the bottom for logos
- Name file as follows: firstname_lastname_G#_mff2025
- Submit your information and send your design as a pdf file to film@gmu.edu
- Entries will be judged by Film at George Mason faculty and staff
- The winning design might be subject to edits at the request of the department.
- The winner will be asked to submit the working design file for the Film at George Mason department to upload logos and sponsors as well as an Instagram square sized file (1080x1080 px).
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Deadline: February 14, 2025
Submit entries to: film@gmu.edu Please include "2025 Mason Film Festival Poster Design Contest" in the subject line.
The winner will be notified by February 21, 2025.
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Storyline Screenwriting Contest
Storyline is now accepting screenplay submissions! Open to current FAVS students or students who have taken at least 1 FAVS course.
Deadline: March 19, 2025
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Alumni Spotlight
Jordon Jones ‘18 was recently promoted to the Associate Director of Operations at PBS Digital Studios.
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Filmfest DC
Calling all DMV filmmakers! Submissions are officially open for consideration in the 2025 Washington DC International Film Festival. Feature length or short films entries are welcomed.
Deadline: January 24, 2025
To get a local discount of 50% off on entry fees, contact Filmfest DC (filmfestdc@filmfestdc.org) with your name, address, name of film, date of production, run time, and a brief description of your film’s connection to the DC Metro Area.
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Film Opportunities and Resources
Festival Submissions:
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Job Opportunity:
- The Manassas Museum is looking for someone who could make a video that showcases the City of Manassas' African American history, community, and experiences. They will invite participants to come to the Museum over the course of 2 or 3 sessions in January and February to tell their story and have it recorded. They are looking for someone who could do all relevant recording, sound, and editing, to create a short video (less than 10 minutes) that will be screened at the Manassas Museum in June. For more information and to apply, please contact Rachel Goldberg at: rgoldberg@manassasva.gov
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Did you miss our last newsletter? Check out the archives here.
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We want to hear from you! If you have news you would like to contribute, please send it to film@gmu.edu. We are looking for regional film events and updates from Film at Mason alumni. Keep up-to-date on all the current Film at Mason news at film.gmu.edu.
Film and Video Studies
College of Visual and Performing Arts
4400 University Dr. MSN 5D8
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-993-3287 | film@gmu.edu