Dear Sanford Alumni and Friends,
What a privilege to offer you tidings from Sanford’s Board of Visitors. We are a group of Duke alumni and friends who treasure our education. While we share common academic roots, our careers have branched out broadly. We are advisors, leaders, analysts, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and more. We work in industry, for non-profits, in government and for ourselves. We have relatives who graduated from Duke, were the first in our family to attend college, or simply appreciate this amazing institution.
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We come together every few months and show this love by studying our school’s past, considering anticipated challenges and potential opportunities that students, administrators, and professors may confront, and offering whatever strategic insights or guidance our professional experiences allow. Engaging with Sanford presents an often thrilling, uniformly gratifying way to give back.
Click Here to Read More
Chad Sarchio PPS’92 P’25
Senior Counsel
Federal Law Enforcement Agency
The Evolving Relationship Between the Press and the Public: A Conversation with Frank Bruni
Apr. 18, 6:30 – 8:30 PM EST, New York City
How has the relationship between the press and the public changed over the past 50 years? What has driven those changes, and what are the consequences of it?
Join us for an informal conversation in which we will consider these questions and have a free-wheeling conversation about the state of journalism and political discourse as we approach the 2024 election.
Click Here to Learn More and Register
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| Duke Reunion 2024
Apr.12 – 14, Duke Campus
Registration for Duke Reunion is now live and two of our Sanford professors will be hosting sessions during the weekend.
Duke Alums Engage: 2nd Annual Book Drive and Pop-Up Sale, Benefiting Turning the Page
Book Drive: April 1 – 21, Greater D.C. Region
Pop-Up Sale: April 27, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Georgetown French Market in D.C.
Sanford Serves will be co-sponsoring this opportunity alongside DukeDC.
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D.C. Summer Social
May 15, 5:30 – 7:30 PM EST, Duke in D.C. Rooftop
| Celebrating Women in Policy
Mar 28, 6:30 PM EST, Duke Sanford
The Sanford Women in Policy graduate student organization invites Sanford alum to join them for an evening of recognizing women within the Sanford Community. Current Sanford graduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni are invited to attend.
Click Here to Learn More and Register
Duke-Margolis 2024 Health Policy Conference
Apr. 11, 12:00 – 5:00 PM EST, D.C. and Zoom
This event will bring together leading policymakers and experts from across the public health and healthcare sectors.
Click Here to Learn More and Register
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In honor of Duke’s Centennial and the Sanford School’s namesake, we are inviting Duke alumni from all over the world to join us for Sanford Serves. Collectively, we will serve 100 hours, whether you set aside 30 minutes or 3 hours, your time will help us reach our goal!
On January 9, Duke launched our Centennial celebration. We are marking the occasion by featuring photos of public policy alumni – THEN as Duke students and NOW as engaged alum. Husein Cumber T'97, is currently a member of the Sanford Board of Visitors and Chief Strategy Officer, Florida East Coast Industries, LLC.
Duke alum, we want to feature you! Email our alumni team at to learn more and share your photos!
Shanna Batten Aguirre PPS'92
Senior Justice Advisor
U.S. Department of State
From the courtrooms of Los Angeles to the halls of international diplomacy, Aguirre has forged a career path defined by her dynamic approach to justice and unwavering commitment to equity. As a citizen of the Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia and their legal advisor, Aguirre's personal and professional journey is intertwined with seeking recognition and justice for marginalized communities.
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Now serving as a Senior Justice Advisor at the U.S. Department of State, Aguirre's expertise is focused on advising in support of the rule of law worldwide. In her role within the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, she travels to partner nations, studying their justice systems and identifying opportunities for capacity-building and resilience-building initiatives.
Each month, we want to share updates from our alumni.
Do you have a new job? Receive a promotion or an award?
Celebrating a wedding, birth, or other milestone?
Alumni Benefits & Opportunities |
Lifefinding Weekend with Duke Sanford's Hart Leadership
May 17-18, All Day, Duke Sanford
As a Duke alum, are you at a pivotal moment in your leadership journey? If you are seeking to elevate your career to new heights, align your values and work more closely, establish a new venture, or strengthen your roots right where you are, the Lifefinding Retreat presents an exceptional opportunity for you. This program has been tailored to offer the necessary space and expert guidance to explore those daring questions among a group of other Duke alums experiencing similar turning points.
Click Here to Learn More and to Register.
Thank you to our amazing alumni volunteers who served in February.
Alison Goetsch MPP'09 - Anna Klingensmith PPS'21 - Chad Sarchio PPS'92
Drew Cummings MPP'05 - Elizabeth Field MPP'00 - Geralyn Ritter PPS'90
Gina Shell MPP'92 - Lindsay Robinson MPP'15 - Michelle Burgess MPP'18
Morgan Smith MPP'95 - Nina Thomas-Diggs MPP'14 - Quauhtli Herrera MPP'17
Rene Mendez MPP'89 - Ryan Smith MPP'14 - Samantha Smith MPP'23
Sekou Kaalund MPP'99 - Tarela Moses PPS'16 - Tiffany King PPS'00
Tonya Robinson PPS'92
Your participation brings invaluable knowledge and experience to the table for fellow alumni and current students, and we greatly appreciate your efforts. As a Duke alum, your unique experiences and talents have the power to make a difference in the lives of others. Consider lending your support as a volunteer to strengthen the Duke network while giving back.
Sanford School Alumni & Giving
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