Watch our annual research webinar with Dr. Susan Domchek, plus much more.
Watch our annual research webinar with Dr. Susan Domchek, plus much more.

BRCA Research Update Webinar

Basser Center Executive Director Susan Domchek, MD, presented the annual research webinar on recent advancements in BRCA-related cancer research. Dr. Domchek discussed clinical trials and scientific advancements, as well as breakthroughs in cancer treatment such as current FDA approvals. Watch above or on YouTube.

Navigating Sexual Health and Intimacy After Surgery

For the Basser blog, Dana Donofree, founder of AnaOno​, discusses the complex issue of adjusting to a new body after mastectomy surgery.
Our Young Leadership Council teamed up with AnaOno for a panel discussion about sexual health and intimacy after surgery. Dana (second from right) moderated the panel, which included Basser Center genetic counselor Danielle McKenna, MS, LCGC, family therapist Lindsey Hoskins, PhD, BRCA mutation carrier Erika Stallings, and sexual health specialist Dana Shanis, MD. Watch a recording of the panel here.
AnaOno was also a partner in the annual New York Fashion Week Cancerland fashion show benefitting Metavivor. This February, we were proud to sponsor Basser Young Leadership Council founding co-chair and patient advocate Erika Stallings who walked the runway as an AnaOno model. This truly inspiring event supports breast cancer research and featured some absolutely #fearless women. Watch the recap video.
Sisters Tamika Williams and Jamila Kinsey with their mother

Black History Month

February is Black History Month. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among black women in the US, and black women are more likely to die from breast cancer than white women. Men are also at risk for breast and other hereditary cancers. Knowing your family health history is an important step towards understanding your cancer risk.
Patient advocate, nurse, and BRCA mutation carrier Jamila Kinsey shared her story on the Basser blog.
Basser Young Leadership Council co-chair Erika Stallings interviewed congressional candidate Maya Rockeymoore Cummings about her preventative surgery and breast cancer among black women.

The Generational Impact of Cancer

YLC member Ashley Dedmond recently gave a TED talk about the generational impact of her family’s BRCA2 mutation. In this inspiring video, she discusses her family history of cancer, her experience as a young caregiver, her journey to genetic testing and the impact it has had on her life.

Basser in the News

The Other Jewish Women's Cancer
Lilith Magazine examined the genetic risk of ovarian cancer, especially in Jewish women, and interviewed Susan Domchek, MD, about prevention, screening, and treatment options.
Loss-of-Function Variants in CTNNA1 Detected on Multigene Panel Testing in Individuals with Gastric or Breast Cancer
A recent paper published in Genetics in Medicine is a collaborative effort between Penn Medicine, the Basser Center, and researchers across the country. It is the first large-scale report to describe findings from clinical testing of the CTNNA1 gene, which may represent a risk factor for early-onset diffuse gastric cancer and possibly breast cancer.

Where Do I Find a Genetic Counselor? 

Basser Genetic Counselor Jessica Long, MS, LCGC, explains the role of a genetic counselor, discusses where to find one, and why it's vital to have a counselor support you through the genetic testing process.
The Basser Center is proud to host and sponsor events throughout the country.
May 12, 2020
 Save the Date: Breakthroughs & Discoveries Panel (Philadelphia, PA)
June 18 to June 20, 2020

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