Addressing Nurse Shortage, Meet an Advocate
Addressing Nurse Shortage, Meet an Advocate
Find out about a new opportunity for nurse educators; see how one professor got her start as an advocate; and more
A 2021 Nutrition graduate, Rachel Rodriguez felt supported at every step of her IUP journey. Now as a performance nutrition associate with Minor League Baseball’s Richmond Flying Squirrels, she supports players by helping them meet their nutritional needs. Watch the video Helping Athletes Play Their Best.
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Two women in medical scrubs, one in a bright blue top and the other in a white coat and talking on the phone, stand at a nurses’ station in a hospital-type setting and look at a chart while another woman in floral scrubs sits and works at a computer.
To help address the national shortage of nurses, the US Department of Health and Human Services has awarded IUP a grant of more than $170,000 to provide loan forgiveness to master’s and doctoral students committed to serving as nurse educators. Learn more about this program.
Head-and-shoulders portrait of Annah Hill on a tan background, with a red wood-grain graphic on either side of her portrait
As a child, Annah Hill knew people who used sign language, and she began learning it to communicate better with them. Now a professor in the Department of Communication Disorders, Special Education, and Disability Services, she shares her passion for advocacy with students. Learn more about Hill in this installment of Meet Our Faculty.
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