From the Camp Director,

September is a very busy time here at Hanging Rock, from Family Camp, to the Ladies Night Out to the Minister's Brunch and then retreats on the weekends. I just want to remind you the reason we exisit here at Hanging Rock. Why are we so busy? Hanging Rock is here to help people disconnect from the world around us to establish and strengthen our relationship with Christ, We are reminded in Pslam 46 to be still. This is easier said than done for all of us. I don't know about you, but when I wake up, I am already thinking about what needs to be done for the day. This is a good thing at times, but also a curse. 
This verse from Psalms always helps me remember the importance of finding time to sit and be still. It makes a difference when we take time and get into His presence. My challenge would be, look at the opportunities we offer you and your family to sit and be still without the distractions of the world around you. When you come to Hanging Rock it is our desire to provide a place for you to rest, renew and strengthen your relationship with Christ. Our desire is that God will overflow our cups into our family and everything else we do. 
Psalm 46:10 He says, "be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  This happens as we take time to be still.  
Join us here at Hanging Rock for one of our retreats as you find time to be still before our Lord. 
Serving through Christian Camping,
Gary Baker, Executive Director

Family Camp Info:

1. Unfortunately the zipline will not be running due to insurance reasons, but... the swimming pool will be open as well as our other activities.

2. Unfortunately our speaker for the weekend, Harold Keck, was exposed to covid this week and is in quarantine and will be unable to join us this weekend. But the good news is our Summer 2021 missionary, Sam Guilliams, from Northwest Haiti Christian Mission will be our new main speaker for the weekend.

3. We will be worshipping in the Chapel this year. Masks will not be required but if you would feel more comfortable you are more than welcome to wear one.

4. For those on the meal plan, the dining hall will be open for indoor dining this year.

5. Temperature checks and health screenings will be required for every person that is on campus so please make sure you do stop at the office and do this before you proceed to your campsite.

6. We will have staffed programming for Kindergarten and up but for those with kids in Preschool or below we will be providing an unstaffed room in the chapel where parents may sit with their kids during services.
We are looking forward to having everyone here for a great weekend. See you on Friday!!
If you have not made plans to attend it is not to late: You can still register to come. 


Great is Thy Faithfulness Update:

We are so excited about the response to this campaign. We kicked this campaign off in June of this year and here is where we stand.
- Girl's Dorm Bathrooms - $40,000 - Raised 
- Zipline - $50,000 - Raised with a matching donations 
Hilton Remodel - $80,000 - We have a new matching donation challenge of $15,000 for this project. Please be in prayer on helping with this match so we can be fully funded by the end of this year. 

From the Maintenance Director,

We would like to introduce ourselves; we are Drew and Diana Follmer, the new Maintenance/Wilderness Director and Facilities Coordinator here at HRCA. We started working in camp ministry in 1993 at High Hill Christian Assembly in Missouri. We had been running Central Iowa Bible Camp outside of Des Moines, Iowa for the last 17 years before moving here to Hanging Rock the first of August. We have 3 children, Jenette (25) teaches high school English in Kansas, Rachel (23) married to Tim, they live in Joplin Missouri where Tim is a youth minister and Rachel works for an insurance agent. They are expecting our first grandchild in November. Seth (18) is our youngest and is a freshman at Manhattan Christian College this fall. Amongst all the changes & moving we are now empty nesters. Our passion is bringing people closer to God through camp ministry. Our hobbies include classic cars, building, horses, travel, scrapbooking and being outside.

            We are super excited to join the team here at HRCA and have jumped in with both feet to the fall retreats. We are figuring out where everything is here at the camp and how it all works. We have begun to make a list of the maintenance needs and will be seeking assistance in completing that list. We will be starting a major remodel of the bathrooms in House of Eve in November and will need volunteers for that project. More details will follow as we get closer to the date.

            We also moved with us our dog Hogan, Cricket our cat and 7 horses. They have officially joined with the rest of the camp horses and everyone seems to be getting along fine. We all look forward to getting to know all of you.
Drew Follmer,  

Celebrate Duane & Sandy Mycroft's Retirement on September 12th 

Duane & Sandy served here at Hanging Rock for 28 years and the New Hope Wingate Church for 16 years. The celebration will be at Kenneth Bane Park 102 S Garfield St Wingate, Indiana. Bring Lawn Chairs - Refreshments and Entertainment will be provided. 

From the Associate Director

As I sit in the office looking out over an empty field, where just a few short weeks ago there were campers reading their Bibles, laughing, playing games, or just hanging out, I can’t help thinking of the impact we have here. Often, I think we take for granted the impact we can have on someone’s life or we don’t think we have an impact at all. I recall a camper this summer, who I was able to form a bond with. She attended our SpringFest retreat in April and while I was walking through the LDC I told her that her sock was untied. I often do that to campers just to see their reaction. I can’t tell you how many I have done that to. I didn’t think anything of it as I laughed with her about how silly that saying is. Then this summer she attended 5th and 6th grade Main camp and the first time she saw me she stopped and said, “oh, my sock came untied, better tie it.” She had remembered that silly saying. It had impacted her in a small way to where she remembered that interaction. Throughout the week I was able to have some good conversations with her at the canteen and during free time as she and her fellow campers played the various games around camp. Something so small and innocent had an impact on her. I pray that she not only remembers that silly saying but also the other conversations we had. Most importantly I pray she remembers the message of Jesus she heard this summer! I pray it had more of an impact on her life than my silly saying. I tell you that story to hopefully give some encouragement that you have a chance to impact those around you even when you don’t think so. Something so small as joking about an untied sock can lead to great conversations that have an eternal impact. That’s what we do here at HRCA. We take a whole heap of small encounters, add them together and hopefully have a huge impact on the lives of those in attendance. To God be the glory for all He does for us! 
Todd Blair,  Associate Director
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