January 13, 2023Marie's Message
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Hi All, It is exciting start to the new 4-H year. Along with the 4-H project meetings taking place each month, we have some great communication arts programs happening.
In 4-H Arts projects, youth learn the many facets of the arts. They learn basic principles of art and how to use those principles to create works of art. Activities include painting, printing, graphic, design, drawing, fiber arts, sculpting, photography, and filmmaking.
In 4-H Communication projects, youth learn to develop skills that are useful throughout a lifetime. They get an opportunity to practice their skills before a group; an opportunity to gather and organize information, equipment and props for public presentation; to develop confidence in making public presentations; and to learn to evaluate and enhance communication skills.
Some opportunities to consider are for older youth are the state groups. To learn more about them or apply check out the website at https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/projects/arts-communication/
Some opportunities in Dodge County are the 4-H Speaking Contest on January 26 or the 4-H Demonstration contest on March 30. Check out all of the county opportunities https://dodge.extension.wisc.edu/4-h-youth-development/4-h-activities/
Please feel free to contact me with questions, and I look forward to a great 2023!
Marie Witzel 4-H Youth Development Educator marie.witzel@wisc.edu 920.386.3790 (office)/920-210-3080 (cell)
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Club Happenings
Achievers (Campbell Panetti) Those who participated in the bell ringing enjoyed it. Club members will make Valentine cards in February for a retirement home.
Lakeside (Joshua Roberts) At next meeting we will be doing no-sew blankets. Motion was made to make the same number of blankets as last year and give them to the Guardian Angels and the Gathering Source. We had a guest speaker, Deb Casper (see photo below). She represented the Badger Honor Flight, and told us about the amazing gesture they do for the war veterans so they can go see the monuments.
Portland Boosters (Emma Crave) Cedar Crest Flavor Creation Contest-entries submitted. Waterloo Holiday Parade was on Saturday, Dec 3rd. Theme was “Giving Santa a Boost this Christmas”. Holiday float helpers: Lucas, Avery, Colten, Preston, Emma, and Kolbe. Richwood Rangers (Sam Zubke) Donated money to Haus of Peace, Gosling Nest and the Watertown food pantry. February community service will be making valentines cards at end of the February meeting.
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4-H Speaking Contest
GRADE DIVISIONS: Grades K-2 2-4 minutes Categories 1-4 Grades 3-6 4-6 minutes Categories 1-4 Grades 7-9 6-8 minutes Categories 1-4 Grades 10+ 8-10 minutes Categories 1-4 Grades 10+ 6-8 minutes Category 5
You need to delete OR add to meet time requirements!!
Points may be deducted if presentation DOES NOT fall within specified time. Participants receive a ribbon. Participants only enter ONE regular speaking category. Neither may use school or other competition material.
- INTERPRETIVE READING of stories, play cuttings, narratives and poems. It is reading aloud from printed page. It can be original & should NOT be memorized.
Categories: A) PROSE b) POETRY - ORIGINAL SPEECH WRITTEN BY SPEAKER, ON ANY SUBJECT. It can be related to 4-H, Special Emphasis theme or any other topic of interest. (Note cards may be used in this category.)
- TEAM READING 2-5 individuals take turns reading a selection, prose or poetry. List ALL ages on registration form. The selection is NOT to be memorized.
- STORYTELLING Select/write story; memorize it; tell it.
- EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH Draw 3 subjects the evening of the Speaking Contest, choose one, prepare original speech. 30 minutes preparation is allowed. Examples: My Favorite 4-H Project/Activity; Most Important Thing I Learned in 4-H. Grade 10 & Up ONLY. (Note cards may be used.)
Members doing a reading should copy the selection on paper, put on construction paper instead of reading out of book.
SEPARATE letters are NOT sent. If unable to attend, call! NOTE: Props/Costumes are NOT to be used! Include selection title/author & introduction. (transition to reading).
REGISTER in 4-H Online with category and title by Jan 20th. Visit the SPEAKING CONTEST Categories & Guidelines for more info.
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Summer Camp 2023 Grades 3-6
While the weather outside may be frightful, it is a good time to start thinking about summer! Summer brings the return of in-person Summer 4-H Camp. We will be camping at Camp Lakota in Wautoma on June 14-17 with 4-Hers from Columbia and Sauk Counties. This is a save the date message for youth grades 3-6. Further information to come. But if you are excited to check out Camp Lakotah, you can see what it is like at their website at https://camplakotah.com/
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Camp Counselors Needed for 2023
For youth above grade 9, we are beginning the recruitment for Camp Counselors! If you are interested in serving as a Camp Counselor please fill out the Google form application in the link below and submit to Marie Witzel at the Extension office by Feb 1st. Please note that training is scheduled for April 22 in Portage.
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Family Learning Day Returns!Family Learning Day returns February 25, 2023 at Dodgeland School! Payment must accompany registration with form via U.S. mail. No online registration sales.
Mail registration and payment to: Dodge County 4-H c/o Extension Dodge County, 127 E. Oak Street, Juneau, WI 53039
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4-H Scholarships Open!
Dodge County 4-H offers a variety of scholarships to 4-H'ers in 12th grade or alumni enrolled or will be enrolled in a post-secondary education. Check it out!
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Trivia Night 2023 T-Shirts Available
Trivia Night 2023 is scheduled for March 18th 2023 at Waterloo High School. To help with fundraising for this event we have come up with another new Trivia Night Shirt.
To order please click the link below, this order will be open on line thru January 17th 2023. We will have another opportunity to order T-shirts in February also.
You will once again pay for your T-shirts online and by the end of January I will notify you where your shirt can be picked up. Prices range this year from $20 to $29 dollars. As requested we were able to secure “Tall” sizes in T-shirts this year.
Thanks again for all your continued support on this event. It’s great to see all the different years of Trivia Night shirts being worn at the fair each year.
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STEM Opportunities Coming in Spring UW Science Expeditions: Campus-Wide Open House April 14-16, 2023
UW Family Gardening Day: Open House May 6, 2023
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- January 16 Livestock Education Project Meeting, 7pm Dodgeland HS Multi Purpose Room
- January 17 4-H Leaders Executive Board, 7pm Dodge County Administration Building
- January 19 Cavies Project Meeting, 6pm Dodgeland HS Room 312
- January 19 Poultry Project Meeting 7pm, Dodgeland HS Room 312
- January 19 Rabbits Project Meeting 7pm, Dodgeland HS Room 315
- January 26 4-H Speaking Contest 6:30pm Dodge County Administration Building
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