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April 14, 2020 | Special Quality Issue | Information you need to know about COVID-19
DHHS Recommendations
ALL healthcare workers should be wearing surgical masks for ALL clinical contact.
ALL staff in non-clinical areas, without patient contact,
should be wearing cloth masks at ALL times while in the facility.

Ethical Pandemic Decisions

SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) These tools have been studied as a guide for making critical patient-level decisions during a public health crisis.


Surge Priority Planning COVID-19: Critical Care Staffing and Nursing Considerations
The suggestions in this article are focused on nursing leadership and administrative considerations, strategies for optimizing staffing resources, and maintaining staff safety and resilience.
Covid Care at Home Guidance

Patient Transfers

Hospitals are encouraged to use this form to document your assessment of the COVID-19 status of all hospitalized prior to transfer to a post-acute care facility.
The CARES Act – CMS Begins Immediate Distribution of $30B from Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund
Stay informed.
Visit our COVID-19 web page
on our NHA website for information
and resources.
Questions? Please reach out to the NHA via

3255 Salt Creek Circle Suite 100 | Lincoln, NE 68504 US

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