Thanks to everyone who came out for all the Halloween fun at the Ranch House! The adults celebrated the season with a fun potluck party featuring a live DJ and dancing. RVR kids enjoyed their own party that included a magic show, flash mob and bounce house. We can't wait to do it again next year!
The board entertained the 2025 proposed budget in its October meeting. Given a lack of critical feedback coming from the community, the board did not recommend any changes to the last proposed draft budget.
During the November board meeting, the 2025 Budget will be officially voted on. If approved, the community will then cast their votes beginning Thursday, Nov. 28. We greatly appreciate everyone’s participation in the process.
For a detailed breakdown of the proposed budgets, please refer to the supplementary documents below:
RVRMA 2025 Budget
RVRMA 2025 Old Town Budget
RVRMA 2025 Settlement Budget
Daylight Savings will end on Sunday, Nov. 3 at 2 a.m. Remember to turn your clocks back one hour!
This week's featured photos come to us from Sandy Marlin. Sandy says, "This cute little fella showed up the other day and stayed all afternoon. He thought the grass was great but the cushy patio furniture was hard to resist!" Thank you for sharing this adorable visitor with us, Sandy!
We would love to feature your photo in an upcoming mailing! If you're interested in having your photo highlighted in the weekly news, please submit images to:
Town of Carbondale Meetings |
- Bike Pedestrian & Trails Commission | Monday, Nov. 4 from 6 - 8 p.m.
Public Arts Commission | Wednesday, Nov. 6 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
- Historic Preservation Commission | Thursday, Nov. 7 from 6 - 8 p.m.
- Board of Trustees | Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 6 - 9 p.m.
- Parks & Recreation Commission | Wednesday, Nov. 13 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
- Planning & Zoning Commission | Thursday, Nov. 14 from 7- 9 p.m.
Click here to view the Town of Carbondale meeting calendar.
| With the fall upon us, the knitters (and any other craft you do) are going to move from meeting at the Ranch House to meeting in each others cozy homes of this crafty and fun group.
Please contact Sarah Murr at to get the schedule for where they’ll be meeting.
Tom's Door Holiday Giving Program |
Tom's Door in partnership with RVR is celebrating our ninth annual holiday gift drive for Carbondale Seniors. Over the last eight years, we have experienced a generous outpouring of contributions. We are working with Aspen Glen this year to provide gift cards to all the 79 residents of Carbondale Senior Housing who otherwise might not have a Christmas. These residents are 62 years of age or older, live in Crystal Meadows housing on social security and have an income level of less than $34,000 a year. You can give them some hope and cheer and share the magic of the holiday season.
If you wish to get involved, visit the RVR Ranch House beginning Saturday, Nov. 2 and choose a key from the wreath on the festive red Tom's Christmas Door. There are several gift card options including City Market, Target and Walmart. Our suggested donation is $50. We ask that you return the gift card/s into the door's mail slot no later than Sunday, Dec. 8. Please feel free to include a personal note if you wish to share a holiday message.
Additional information about Tom's Door is available next to the red door if you are not familiar with this wonderful organization and the outreach and positive impact it has in our community.
If you have any questions, please contact Sidney Poncelet at 970-309-2393 or
We thank you in advance for your generosity.
| RVR Ranch House
Fall Craft Market
Saturday, Nov. 2 (This Weekend!)
Craft Fair open from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Come and support community artists. Great holiday gifts!
- Free entry
- No RSVP required
Shopping open to the public
Cyber Security Presentation |
Winter is coming! Come mingle with fellow skiers in the neighborhood. Bob Engelbrecht, long time ski instructor and RVR resident, will be providing 10-minute time slots to get a “prescription” for your ski setup. Time slots are limited! To register for a slot, please call or stop by the front desk (970) 963-6300. Make sure to bring your set-up if you’re registering for a time slot. Click here to see the time slots we are offering. If you don’t want to bring your set-up or come for a specific time slot, you can still listen to Bob’s advice for others and gain great knowledge! Bob will also have a list of the shops in Snowmass he recommends for excellent tuning.
Plus, enjoy some beverages and snacks, mingle with other skiers in the neighborhood, and connect with the RVR Ski Club. Complimentary, RSVP please so we know how many to expect.
Second Nonprofit Presentation |
Tuesday, Nov. 12 5:30 -7 p.m.
The first local nonprofit presentation and meet and greet, held in October, went very well! We had great engagement from the RVR community, along with additional nonprofits wanting to connect with RVR. The RVR community will have another opportunity to learn about different nonprofits than the first date, and how to support these organizations and get involved in what they do. Save the Date for Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 5:30-7 p.m. for the next event. Look for additional information on participating nonprofit organizations in next week’s newsletter.
RVR Annual Holiday Event | Saturday, Dec. 7 from 5 - 7:30 p.m.
- Donuts with Santa & Mrs. Claus | Saturday, Dec. 14 from 9 - 11 a.m.
Tennis Courts Closed for the Season |
The clay tennis courts are now closed for the season. Thank you to all of our wonderful tennis members and homeowners for your enthusiastic participation in the program. We would also like to extend a big thank you to our Tennis Director, Cristina Siriani for another great season. We will see you all on the courts next year!
We had a great time at the end of season tennis party. Thanks to all who attended!
Green Tip | Tire Pressure
Thought about your tires lately? Cooler temperatures can lower tire pressure and under-inflated tires reduce your car's fuel efficiency and performance, and decreases your gas mileage. Properly inflated tires will decrease your fuel bills and also decrease your CO2 emissions. And not just for regular cars. Properly inflated tires are also important for an EV, since under-inflated tires increase rolling resistance, which can reduce the vehicle's range by draining the battery faster. Maintaining the correct tire pressure is important for maximizing your car's efficiency and protecting the environment. It takes just a few minutes to inflate your tires to the proper pressure and it’s well worth the grimy fingers.
Minimum Gym Age Requirements |
Please note that gym users must be at least 15 years old to use the gym unaccompanied. Guests of members must also be a minimum of 15 years old.
Children under the age of fifteen (15) are not permitted on the second-floor Fitness Center of the Ranch House unless:
1) The child is at least the age of eleven (11) and is exercising under the supervision of their parent. The parent must remain with the child in the gym.
2) The child is at least the age of eleven (11) and is exercising under the supervision of an RVR-approved personal trainer and has permission from their parents and RVR management.
3) The child is at least the age of thirteen (13) and has completed a course with Ali Royer for gym etiquette and safety, and parents, of the child have completed an additional waiver for their child to use the gym without their supervision. Click here to contact Ali for more information.
The Angel Tree will be up in the Ranch House by November 2. You may choose a tag from the tree at any time – there will be a container available to drop off the gifts. We will also have printed Holiday Angel forms for those who wish to adopt a family on Nov. 2, or you can reach out to Sarah Murr or Nancy Gensch at any time.
Winter is quickly approaching and the RVR Ski Club is preparing for the ski season. Please enjoy the message below from RVR resident and club organizer, Mike Korber:
I'm dressing warmer now on my bike rides and that is making me think about skiing again. We had a list of 42 RVR residents last year who signed up to participate in the RVR Ski Club. I hope we get even more of you this year too. I know we will be having a November ski presentation like the past two years, so watch for the announcement in the RVR newsletter. If You think you might want to participate in the RVR Ski Club this season please email me to let me know. As we get closer to the Nov. 28 start of the season I will be sending more information about the ski club by email and in the newsletter. I am going to ask the Snowmass ski school if we can get some discounted rates to have one of their full cert instructors spend a day with us and give us feedback on what we are doing on our skis. If anyone has any other suggestions to make the ski club more fun please let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you, Thanks for your interest.
Mike Korber
Irrigation Blow-Outs Complete
RVR crews have completed the irrigation blow-out process.
You may contact Travis Green, Facilities & Grounds Superintendent, at should you have any questions.
| |
| RVR members may now bring their organic waste to the Ranch House parking lot dumpster. Look for the large green dumpster towards the back of the parking lot.
This service is offered to RVR homeowners only. We ask that you please communicate this to your contractors. No plastic bags or other inorganic material allowed. Please be mindful of what you place in the dumpster as the container is intended for fall leaves.
Last year the dumpster was out well into November. We hope to have it available as long as possible again this year. We will keep the community informed of any removal dates before they happen.
Carbondale residents can also drop their yard waste, garden waste and branches 2" or less in diameter to 4th and Colorado (in the parking lot across from Town Hall). This town service will run through November 6. Click here for more information.
**Please note PEAK Fitness will now be scheduled M/W/F each week. Pilates is no longer available on Thursdays and Fridays due to instructor schedule changes. We look forward to adding a few new classes mid-November – keep your eyes peeled in future newsletters for the additions!
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