Upcoming virtual events from the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning
Upcoming virtual events from the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning
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Upcoming Events at the CTL
You are still able to continue working on your CTL Certificates by attending and participating in our online workshops. We hope to see you there!

Message from the CTL Director

In February we have another exciting month of enriching workshops for teachers. Following up with January’s school-wide visits on resources for our students’ mental health, we have three workshops this month in the Mental Health Matters workshop series. Also, in the interest of supporting faculty mental health, the Faculty Well-Being series is adding new workshops in partnership with the Employee Assistance and Counseling Center (EACC). See below for details on some of these great workshops, check out our February flyer, or go to the CTL website for additional details.
We can't wait to see you at the CTL!
Scott L. Phillips, Ph.D.

Global Awareness Workshop Series

UAB celebrates the diversity of its student body. Learning to teach with great intention and impact in this diverse context is a worthy professional development goal for all of us, and the Global Awareness workshop series at the CTL purposes to help you meet your goals for learning best practices in this area. Among the multiple offerings at the CTL this month are three workshops in the Global Awareness series, all of which count towards earning the Global Awareness certificate

On Wednesday, February 2, from 10-11:30 AM, Melissa Hawkins, the CTL’s International Teaching and Learning Specialist, will lead the interactive workshop Tweaking Lectures for Maximum Comprehensibility. Dr. Michelle Allen with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will present Unconscious Bias on Thursday, February 11, from 10-11:30 AM. Melissa Hawkins will then facilitate a new workshop in the series, Supporting the Development of Critical Thinking Skills, on Tuesday, February 23, from 10-11:30 AM.    

For detailed workshop descriptions and to register, or to review how to earn the Global Awareness certificate, please visit uab.edu/ctl.

Teaching Foundations Workshop Series

Dr. Tino Unlap continues his popular Teaching Foundations workshop series, offered on Wednesdays from 12:10-1 PM this semester. A champion for UAB faculty success, Dr. Unlap's presentations are great for faculty at the beginning or early stages of their teaching development or for experienced faculty looking to refresh their teaching skills.

In February, the ten-workshop series restarts with Now that You Will Be Teaching, What's Next? on February 17, 12:10-1 PM, and Developing Your Teaching Philosophy on February 24, 12:10-1 PM. To view descriptions for all workshops in this series and to register for February events, please visit the Teaching Foundations series page.

eLearning Workshop Series

For those interested in learning more about the educational technology available to UAB faculty, or for faculty earning points towards the Online Design and Teaching Certificate, the CTL is hosting more eLearning workshops this month to help you reach your goal.
In addition to these workshops, the eLearning team provides full support and training for Canvas and academic technologies in all aspects of course and program development. Faculty can request one-on-one or group/departmental training sessions where an instructional technologist will provide customized assistance. Trainings can take place at your campus location, the eLearning office, or virtually via a web conferencing tool. Click here to view more information on training and support available from eLearning.

Core Director Public Presentations

Great teaching is critically important to student success in undergraduate general education or “core” courses. The CTL is hosting public presentations by two candidates for the position of Director of the UAB Signature Core Curriculum. Each candidate will discuss the Director’s role in implementing and advancing UAB’s Signature Core Curriculum. They will also discuss plans to further the core’s emphasis on increasing community engagement. A short Q&A will follow each presentation.

Friday, January 29, 2021
  • 3:00-3:30 PM: Dr. Kari Dugger
  • 4:30-5:00 PM: Dr. Christopher Minnix
To participate, click here to join the Zoom webinar at the times above on Friday, January 29th. Please click here for more detailed information about the presenters and how to view the presentation.
Click here to register for February events with your BlazerID
This month's workshops flyer from the CTL
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