The GW Cancer Center proudly announces the release of a new training on financial navigation! The training describes strategies and resources that equip patient navigators to effectively address financial toxicity. And don't miss our financial toxicity tip sheet that lists the most important concepts of financial navigation and provides helpful resources.
Leveraging objectives in the Montana Cancer Coalition’s comprehensive cancer control strategy, the
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) recently launched a rural pilot program to increase access to high quality, equitable cancer care. Increasing Access to Cancer Care in Rural Montana seeks to reduce commutes to treatment locations, assign rural sites as primary points of contact, use education to improve care delivery and spur patient engagement.
TIP: This month’s cancer control spotlight from Montana was identified by the GW Cancer Center using Google Alerts. Create Google Alerts for your coalition name, plan or other common phrases to be notified when your cancer plan generates action.
Training and Events
National Navigation Roundtable Call to Action Webinar Series Nov. 9: Oncology Navigation Standards of Professional Practice - PONT Standards Nov. 15: Flexibility, Adaptation and Roles of Patient Navigators in Oncology During COVID-19
Autumn is a great time for a PSE refresher! This free training from the GW Cancer Center provides background information on the PSE change process, stepwise worksheets, a PSE action plan template, real world example, and more. Access the training today!
This work was supported by Cooperative Agreement #NU58DP006461-05 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of CDC.