Watch Pastor Sarah's Sermon from Sunday
Watch Pastor Sarah's Sermon from Sunday
In case you missed it, click here to watch Pastor Sarah's sermon on the Second Sunday in Lent, "Holy Nap, Holy Covenant".
Worship with us every Sunday at 8:30am & 11:00am. Please also join us for coffee/goodies & fellowship in between services! Sunday School for all ages is held during our fellowship hour.
Prayer at Sanctuary - 6:30am
Mission Sewing Circle - 12:30pm
Confirmation - Optional dinner: 5:30pm; class: 6:30pm
Soup Supper - 5:45pm
Holden Evening Prayer: Lent Service - 7:00pm
Prayer Group - 10:00am
Daytimers Bible Study - 11:00am studying The Book of Revelation
Women's Ministry Meeting - 3:00pm
Choir Practice - 6:15pm *moved from Wednesday for Lent services*
Church Planning Council - 6:30pm
Thursday Night Quilt Group - 6:30pm
High School Group - 6:30pm, at parsonage
Food Pantry Set-Up - 12:00pm
Neighborhood Gathering - 6:00pm
Food Pantry Distribution - 9:30am
Sunday Morning Adult Education - 9:45am. During the Lenten season, we will discuss what it means to listen cross-eared to Christ's lessons, and how to do it.
Staff Appreciation Day for Stephanie and Bill - Join us in celebrating Stephanie and Bill during worship services and fellowship hour.
*Note: Solvang lunch with Pastor Sarah has been canceled this month
2019 Lent Supper and Services
Each Wednesday until Holy Week, we will have a soup supper at 5:45pm followed by a Mid-Week Lent (Holden Evening prayer) worship service at 7:00pm.

Service Dates: 
  • March 20
  • March 27
  • April 3
  • April 10

Please sign up to bring soup, bread, or other goodies to share and the church will also supply some soups (cash donations gladly accepted!)
RSVP on Facebook!

Happy Birthday Pastor Sarah!
Wednesday, March 20th
We hope you have an amazing day and we appreciate
all that you do for Bethesda and our community!
If you see Pastor Sarah this week be sure to wish her a happy birthday!
March Neighborhood Gathering 
Friday, March 22nd, 6-8pm 
Join us for our March Neighborhood Gathering! To welcome spring, the event will be luau-themed. We will also be serving a FREE pulled pork dinner! 

There will be crafts for the kids and whoever dresses for the theme will be entered to win the night's door prize!

All are welcome - bring your family and friends!
California Lutheran University
Choir Concert
When: Tuesday, March 26 @ 7:00pm
Where: Bethesda
Admission is FREE, though donations will gladly be accepted to cover the choir's travel expenses. 

Women's Bible Study
Who: Working Women, Stay-at-Home Moms, Single Women, Partnered Women, Married Women, Anyone who longs for connection and can’t make it to daytime gatherings

What: A time for prayer, study, fellowship, and  dessert
Where: Fellowship Hall Fireside Room

When: 4th Wednesday of each month from 6-7:30pm. Next meeting is March 27th 

Why: Because we all need a place to belong, a place to hear God’s Word, a place for community; because you’re invited and God wants you there!

Questions: Contact Pastor Sarah.
RSVP on Facebook! 
3/25-29 - Spring Break Hours 10am-2pm
3/26 - California Lutheran Choir Concert
3/27 - Women's Evening Bible Study
3/27 - Lent Service and Soup Supper
4/15-20 - Holy Week
4/21 - Easter
5/18 - Spring Cleaning
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