The GW Cancer Center's Guide for Patient Navigators in Spanish (PDF) has been updated! This 508-compliant guide is a supplement to our Oncology Patient Navigator Training: The Fundamentals. The comprehensive, competency-based training uses evidence-based information and case studies to prepare patient navigators to effectively address barriers to care for cancer patients and survivors.
Calling head and neck cancer navigators and navigator supervisors! Please take a few minutes to complete this NNRT survey, which assesses the current navigation landscape for head and neck cancer patients, including navigation barriers and facilitators.
The SelfMade Health Network has made available user-friendly Op-Ed templates for use in sate and local newspapers and other news media outlets. Use one (PDF) or both (PDF) to draw attention to Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
We continue to offer the "Cancer Survivorship E- Learning Series" in support of primary care providers. The training communicates the fundamentals of cancer survivorship and subsequent considerations in such settings. We encourage you to register for and share this FREEtraining today!
This work was supported by Cooperative Agreement #NU58DP006461-04 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of CDC.
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