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Dear Supporter,
Thanks to support from caring people like you, ARC has continued to be effective for the past 35 years, saving an untold number of animal lives. Through outreach and educational initiatives that raise awareness about the plight of animals and cultivating compassionate choices, together we are making a difference!
As a supporter of our work, we ask that you partner with ARC and become a member today.  If you're already a member, thank you! When you partner with ARC, you will help us continue to build on our history of helping animals. In the coming months we will be:
  • Expanding our community of animal advocates, mailing out our activist e-newsletter to an ever growing audience, and providing many low-pressure opportunities for people to learn how to help animals and to connect with other like-minded people through our meetup groups, one of which recently passed the 2,000 member mark!

  • Opening minds and hearts in our community to the plight of animals through outreach at community
    events, free film screenings, speaking in classrooms, and demonstrations at locations where animals are being abused.

  • Supporting a rapidly growing network of new people making compassionate choices. Each year, ARC helps thousands of people reduce or eliminate their consumption of animals through our Vegan University program workshops, grocery shopping tours, cooking classes, and weekly recipe e-newsletter. And just launched, our Feed Me Vegan cooking show on local cable TV will reach even more people.
What makes ARC so unique is that instead of expecting people to make far reaching changes based on a one-time message, we work to connect with people on a deeper level. We create opportunities for people to not only learn about animal issues, but also find support as they process these revelations about how animals are treated in our world. It’s vital that we help people with the “how” once they believe in the “why” and that’s what ARC is doing.
Your past support has made a big difference for animals. We have come a long way and the public is starting to listen, but it’s more important now than ever that we continue to deliver a consistent message to the public about what they can do to stop animal abuse happening in animal agriculture, in intensive breeding operations, on fur farms, in laboratories, and in the many other institutions that prey on animals.
I hope you will stand by our side and become a member today with a donation of $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can give. If you're on the fence, consider this: You care about animals. We care about animals. Let's get together and support each other and do even more good for animals.  Because together we're better.
For the animals,
Chelsea Youngquist
Program Director
Animal Rights Coalition (ARC)
P.S. If you’re interested in becoming a sustaining donor by making an automatic monthly donation, please contact me. Monthly giving provides steady support for the programs you value with no hassle to you. It’s easy and very much appreciated.
Animal Rights Coalition
317 West 48th Street Minneapolis, MN 55419 612.822.6161
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