B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   M A R C H   2 0 2 2
Kayla, David, Carleigh, Joyce Portraits
BNIMers Reflect on Leadership Beyond Design

Advocacy, community involvement, and thought leadership have shaped our practice for the better. We are a firm of design practitioners as well as community members, committed to inspiring change and enhancing the human condition. When our team members share their experiences from policy meetings, serving as board members, or volunteering, it opens up new perspectives and discussions of the challenges facing our communities and how we can create the most effective design solutions. 

We connected with four BNIMers this month to talk about the inspiring ways they are helping shape design through growing and supporting a diverse design community, advocating for collective climate action, creating supportive neighborhood facilities, and contributing to community leadership. Check out our Q + A session at the link below!

M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E
In honor of Women's History Month, we celebrate the outstanding contributions of each of these women at BNIM. They elevate BNIM's mission each day and are steadfast in their dedication to creating positive change and meaningful impact through their work and many talents.
Thank you Kayla Berkson, Kristin Atkinson, Andrea Hobbs, Beena Ramaswami, Tina Wehrman, Emily Herndon, Janell Rock, Shelley Edie, Liz Sears, Joyce Raybuck, Rita Richey, Carleigh Pope, Natalie Gaydar, Katie Nichols, Rachel Murray, Kaylee Drexel, Laura Lesniewski, MJ Johnson, Ruthie Harrison, Kylie Schwaller, Mallory Fergason, Alyssa Parsons, April Trotter, Sarah Hirsch, Jamie Kluesner, Claire Im, Sarah Murphy, Maria Maffry, Anastasia Huggins, and Kate Kovarik!
I N   T H E   N  E W S
BNIM, alongside 11 CEOs from local Kansas City Corporations, has taken the pledge to join the first cohort of the CEO-to-CEO Challenge, a campaign that encourages and empowers B2B inclusive purchasing via company leaders while also helping those leaders develop long-term supplier diversity initiatives.
We understand that to contribute to a more equitable community, we must find ways to support small businesses and be intentional in all aspects of our business. Our responsibility not only includes an effort to diversify our partners and suppliers, but to examine and strategize how to expand our network, knowledge, and collaborations. One of the key steps we are taking to diversify our partnerships is asking businesses to fill out our BNIM Partner Diversity form.  M O R E
mindful - As a perfect mirror reflection of the letters bnim, mindful is this place for communication, where we reflect upon projects, people and events to share beyond the firm’s walls. To subscribe, please click here
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