The following is the latest in a series of monthly messages from the RVR Master Association Board, called “A View From the Board.” The messages summarize recent Board decisions and discussions, and are designed to bring RVR homeowners up to date on issues important to the community.
Dear RVR Homeowners,
As Baby Boomers who came of age in the 1960s, we were part of a generation that questioned authority, and wondered about the benefits of following rules. Then, we embarked on long corporate careers, and were reminded why structure and conformity matter.
Today, we live in RVR, a beautiful community designed to stay that way through the use of carefully designed governing documents. Our Master Declaration, Design Review Guidelines, policies, by-laws and other documents are meant to preserve aesthetics, and protect and enhance home values.
Over the past few years, the RVR Executive Board and its management team have worked hard to maintain the integrity of our governing documents, and identify improvements that could improve governance and strengthen the community.
This “View From the Board” is a reminder of the role and importance of rules in a community like ours.
When we all close on our property purchase at RVR, we agree to live by the community’s governing documents. It’s the Board’s duty to enforce those rules.
Depending on your point of view, our approach to rules enforcement is either heavy handed, or hands off. Some homeowners think we’re over the top, overzealous in our desire for compliance. Others think we do too little. The truth lies somewhere in between.
The Board and management spend a great deal of time addressing issues related to our governing documents.
Sometimes, the issues are as mundane as making sure trash cans aren’t left out all week. The topics can be emotional, such as political signs during the 2020 campaign season. And they can be freighted with financial implications – like whether you have a right to park your $100,000 RV in your driveway, or whether your neighbor’s landscaping is blocking your view. In all cases, these issues are controlled by our governing documents.
RVR’s governing documents regulate everything from the design of your home to the landscaping on your lot to the vehicles you can park on it. RVR’s rules are similar to many other HOAs, in that they were designed to keep the basic nature and aesthetic of RVR consistent over time.
Despite what you may hear, we rarely fine homeowners for rules transgressions. Our objective is not a fine-based revenue stream, but rather compliance with our governing documents. Our goal is to achieve compliance through polite dialog and face-to-face communication, and we’re usually successful. When that approach fails, we rely on our Enforcement Policy and Fine Schedule , which describes the process for handling these issues.
As we’ve said repeatedly in these monthly messages and in our weekly newsletter, any work done outside your house needs to be reviewed by RVR General Manager Sterling Page (gm@rvrcommunity.com) – before the work begins. A conversation with Sterling will help you understand whether you’ll need to submit a formal plan to the Design Review Committee (DRC).
Home improvements you’ll want to discuss with Sterling include removing dead trees, planting new trees, patio enhancements – and erecting permanent play equipment, statues, or any type of structure. Sterling can sign off on simple things quickly, easily, and on his own. More complex improvements on your lot will require you submit a plan to the DRC.
If you learn anything at all from this note, it’s the importance of asking before doing. Most of the biggest headaches for homeowners, management, and the Board are a result of taking action without following our established and documented processes.
If you have questions or comments about rules, RVR governing documents, or anything else – please send them to: boardofdirectors@rvrcommunity.com
The next RVRMA Board meeting is Wednesday, April 28, at 5:30 pm. The meeting will be held virtually, by Zoom videoconference. Hope to “see” you there.
On behalf of your volunteer RVRMA Board,
Cathy Cooney & Gary Lesser
Board Co-Presidents
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