The GW Cancer Center proudly announces the release of a new training on financial navigation! The training describes strategies and resources that equip patient navigators to effectively address financial toxicity. And don't miss our financial toxicity tip sheet that lists the most important concepts of financial navigation and provides helpful resources.
The World Health Organization is conducting a survey on the lived experience of people after a cancer diagnosis, focusing on those who have completed cancer treatment and/or their family members and caregivers, as well as the family members and caregivers of people who have died from cancer. Feel free to share the survey.
The GW Cancer Center's Together, Equitable, Accessible, Meaningful (TEAM) Training aims to promote health equity by supporting organizational changes at the individual and systems levels through the use of culturally sensitive practices, while facilitating patient-centered cancer care. Access the free training and share it with your colleagues and partners!
This work was supported by Cooperative Agreement #NU58DP006461-05 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of CDC.
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