Please commit to these two dates!
Please commit to these two dates!

Thank you for answering the call to serve your church in 2018

January 7th:

On this day, we will have a Reaffirmation of our Baptismal Covenant and a Commissioning of newly elected church leaders. All committee chairs as well as new committee members are expected to attend. 
(You may attend either service.)

January 20th:

Leader Training at Anderson United Methodist Church from 8:30 am until noon. (We will meet at the PHUMC at 8:00 am to carpool.)
All new officers are encouraged to attend.
The District is offering learning sessions for church officers
(SPRC, trustees, finance, nominations, and lay leaders),
but even if you don’t hold an office, there is a special interest session for you at Leader Training.  You may choose from workshops such as “Share Faith—Communications for Church Leaders,” “Forming Faith Communities,” “Let’s Talk about Money,” and “Intentional Discipleship,” as well as sessions focusing on youth and families and spiritual leadership.
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