Announcing the Provost-Netter Center Faculty-Community Partnership Award, Provost's Graduate Academic Engagement Fellowship at the Netter Center, Shah Family Prize for Innovative Undergraduate Student Projects, and more! Plus, join us Alumni Weekend, May 17&18!
Provost-Netter Center Faculty-Community Partnership Award
Penn Provost Wendell Pritchett and Netter Center Director Ira Harkavy have named Terri Lipman, PhD, CRNP, FAAN of the School of Nursing and her partners at Inthedance, LLC as the recipients of the 2019 Provost-Netter Center Faculty-Community Partnership Award, which recognizes sustained and productive university/community partnerships. The $10,000 prize is split between the faculty member and the community partner. Lipman has taught ABCS courses continuously since 2006 and has helped grow the total number of ABCS courses in the School of Nursing from five to eleven since assuming the role of Assistant Dean for Community Engagement in 2015. “ABCS has been transformational in the way that I teach, approach research and engage with patients in my clinical practice,” said Lipman.
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Provost's Graduate Academic Engagement Fellowship at the Netter Center Michael Vazquez, a Philosophy PhD student, and Paul Wolff Mitchell, an Anthropology PhD student, both in the School of Arts and Sciences, have been awarded the inaugural Provost’s Graduate Academic Engagement Fellowships at the Netter Center for Community Partnerships for 2019-2021.
This two-year Fellowship is a new opportunity open to PhD students across all schools and fields at Penn. Fellows are outstanding students whose scholarship significantly involves Academically Based Community Service (ABCS) and related activities, including locally based community problem-solving, engaged scholarship, service learning, and learning by teaching in public schools. The Fellowship involves participation in an interdisciplinary faculty-student seminar on community-engaged research and teaching, a $5,000 research fund, conference support, and a full fellowship in the students’ second year.
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Shah Family Prize for Innovative Undergraduate Student Projects at the Netter Center
Inaugural recipients of the Shah Family Prize for Innovative Undergraduate Student Projects at the Netter Center: Richard Ling (E20, C20) will advance university-assisted environmental and environmental health education in West Philadelphia schools, which builds upon the work of his nonprofit and Penn club, Sustainable Solutions. Harrison Feinman (C22), Eva Gonzalez (C22), Hadeel Saab (C20), and Anna Waldzinska (C20) will build upon the success of the fall 2018 Penn Leads the Vote (PLTV) re-launch and Professor Emily Falk’s COMM 310 ABCS class that worked with PLTV, and will focus on increasing voter engagement at Penn and in the community.
The Shah Family Prize enables highly motivated and dedicated Penn undergraduates to further develop, improve, and successfully implement creative civic and community engagement projects. Designed to encourage social innovation and to have sustained positive impacts both on campus and in the local community, the Prize will be awarded to two outstanding projects a year.
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Penn Named "Voter Friendly Campus" Penn has been designated one of 123 "Voter Friendly Campuses", sponsored by NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and Fair Election Center’s Campus Vote Project. It is a reflection of the civic and democratic engagement spirit on campus and the hard work and energy of Penn Leads the Vote (PLTV), re-established in 2018 at the Netter Center.
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Netter Center for Community Partnerships Open HouseSponsored by the Netter Center and Penn’s 1979 Basketball Team
Saturday, May 18, 9-11 AM Pottruck Health and Fitness Center (3701 Walnut St)
Anthony Price, captain of Penn Men’s 1979 Final Four basketball team and founder of Paying the Price Foundation, partners with the Netter Center to host this clinic for children of Penn alumni and West Philadelphia youth (ages 8-18). 30th Reunion Community Service Project with the Class of ’89 & Netter Center
Saturday, May 18, 9:30-11:30 AM Locust Walk, near College Green
Join the Class of ’89 in making care packages for West Philadelphia children and families. All welcome to stop by!
The Impact of Local Engagement
Sponsored by the Netter Center, Classes of ’79, ’89, '94 and ‘99
Saturday, May 18, 4:00-5:30 PM Golkin Room, Houston Hall (3417 Spruce St)
- Brad Silver, W89 PAR20 PAR21, PwC New York Regional Tax Leader; Netter Center National Advisory Board Member; Children's Aid Board Trustee - Ira Harkavy, C70 GR79 PAR01 PAR06, Associate Vice President and Founding Director, Netter Center - Anea Moore, C19, Chair of the Netter Center Student Advisory Board, Co-President of the Collective Success Network at Penn, 2018 Truman Scholar, 2019 Rhodes Scholar Panel:
- Reema Shah, C94, Managing Director, Golden Seeds and Social Innovation Advisor, Stanford U. Graduate School of Business; Netter Center National Advisory Board Member (Moderator)
- Nadia Dowshen, MD, MSHP, C99 M04 GR16, Director of Adolescent HIV Services, Director and Co-Founder of the Gender and Sexuality Development Clinic, and Faculty, PolicyLab, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine, U. of Pennsylvania
- Julie Dressner, C89, Documentary Film Director, Producer & Cinematographer - Jarrett Stein, C09 SPP17, University-Assisted Community Schools Director of Health Partnerships and Social Ventures, Netter Center - Bobby Willis, W79, Adjunct Lecturer, Queens Economic Opportunity Center; Co-Captain of Penn Men’s Basketball 1979 Final Four Team
Book DriveBring gently used children's books to Sweeten Alumni House or purchase a book at the Penn Bookstore. Netter Center and Bags of Books will donate collected books to West Philadelphia students.
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Anea B. Moore, a senior, is a sociology and urban studies major who has a concentration in law and a minor in Africana studies. She is the first in her family to attend college....
Moore's application to Rhodes focused on her work at the district's Lea School, where she worked with a student choir, helped teach a cooking class, and assisted families, through her position as chair of the Netter Center for Community Partnerships student advisory board.
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Jarrett Stein, two-time Penn alumnus and staff member at the Netter Center, has been selected as a TIAA Difference Maker 100 honoree for his efforts to improve nutrition for the young people of West Philadelphia. Brotherly Love: Teens Power Snack Success (CBS Philly)
A team of teens is running a nonprofit that’s feeding kids and teaching lessons in business and health. Every Wednesday, a West Philadelphia test kitchen is teeming with teenagers.
“It’s youth power all the way,” said 17-year-old Simin Deveauxbray.
These students are part of Rebel Ventures. It’s a nonprofit business run by high schoolers in partnership with the Netter Center.
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Penn alum uses documentary to raise awareness for lack of Philadelphia school counselors
Julie Dressner C89 is using her documentary Personal Statement to challenge Philadelphia to bring more counselors to its schools.
Dressner said she was initially inspired to work in education activism through her relationship with the Netter Center. As an undergraduate, Dressner worked as a ceramics teacher at the Turner Middle School in West Philadelphia through a class with Ira Harkavy.
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| “Community Monologues,” written by students in the University’s August Wilson and Beyond seminar, an ABCS course supported by the Netter Center, were inspired by the words of West Philadelphia residents and the works of Wilson, a playwright considered by many to be the greatest documentarian of African-American life in the 20th century. What began eight years ago as a class to introduce Wilson to Penn freshman has grown to also include older Philadelphians and students from Sayre High School that wraps each semester with a “must-see” performance of dramatic monologues. In the fall of 2009, Detlefsen taught an undergraduate course at Penn about the social-political context of education.... “We got into great conversations,” she says, “but I also thought their experience of the theory would’ve been greatly enhanced had there been some sort of practical component to it.” She began dreaming up a philosophy of education ABCS course through Penn’s Netter Center.
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Knowledge for Social Change "The authors catalogue in rich detail the pioneering efforts of educators and administrators at the University of Pennsylvania to put into practice the ideals of their forebears in progressive education, John Dewey first and foremost among them. Until the Netter Center, these ideals had fallen largely on deaf ears or been transformed beyond recognition. It is this faithfulness to the inseparability of past, present, and future that makes the book a standout in the literature of education and societal change, putting the public back in public education and recalling universities to their special responsibilities here." -TCR " [A] bold vision for democratically minded academics concerned about our nation’s future.... The book represents a seminal scholarly contribution to the modern-day community engagement movement as the most comprehensive account to date of the philosophical ideas that ground it." -JHEOE
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Regional, National & Global The International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility and Democracy (chaired by Harkavy) in collaboration with the Council of Europe and the Organization of American States will host the next Global Forum June 2019 in Strasbourg on "Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy and the Future of Democracy." On the eve of the Forum, the Council and the Anchor Institutions Task Force (AITF, also chaired by Harkavy) will host their 3rd joint meeting exploring the local mission of higher education, a further step towards developing a Europe-wide organization inspired and modeled by AITF.
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