January 11, 2023  

Welcome      Grow       Serve      Celebrate

What a wonderful Sunday celebrating the past at Parkway Hills and discerning our next faithful steps together with God. It was a joy and a blessing to welcome our founding pastor, Rev. Bruce Taylor, to worship with us, and what a gift from the choir as they sang, “On Holy Ground.” If you missed Sunday’s service, you may find it here.
We closed our service Sunday with an invitation to discipleship, inviting everyone to take one of the next faithful step discipleship cards in their seat. These cards will be available in worship as we move through this sermon series. If you picked up a card, don’t turn it in yet!  Please spend time in prayer over these next few weeks listening for how God may be calling you to take the next faithful step in your own life as a disciple.  We spent 3 months in the Fall of 2022 reflecting on what it means to be a disciple.  As a disciple of Jesus Christ, we belong to the body of Christ, become more like Jesus, and bless the world. How might your next faithful step reflect one of these callings; belong, become, bless? How might you take one step up in your life as a disciple and in your giving?
I hope you will spend time in intentional prayer and reflection and truly listen for how God is nudging you to answer these questions (found on our discipleship card):
1)  In my call as a disciple to belong, become, bless, I commit to:
2)  In my giving to support the mission and ministry of Parkway Hills UMC, I commit to:

Both of these areas are important.  Both are ways we live out our baptism.  Both need our time and attention.
  I encourage you to be as specific as possible in your commitments.  As examples, are you feeling led to read the Bible more?  Don’t just put, read the Bible more. Put, I commit to reading the book of Luke in 2023.  Prayer life need a nudge? Don’t just put, I will pray more.  Put, I commit to praying a psalm every day or I commit to begin each week in prayer by praying every Monday at 8 am, or I commit to buying a book on prayer practices.  Feeling nudged to get to know our children and youth?  Don’t just put, help with children and youth ministries.  Put, I will teach extended session once, or I will volunteer 5 times this year to help with Sunday School, or I will feed the youth group twice this year or I will volunteer for one youth event.  Feel like you want to serve our community? Don’t just put, I will serve more this year. Put, I will attend Grace Place (or Beds for Kids, Quilting, Backpack Buddies, MadCAAP) twice this year or I commit to making an appointment with Rev. Haven to see how I might help at East Flora or I commit to visiting a community organization and listening for how I and Parkway Hills can be of service.  Need a small group? Don’t just put, I will join a small group. Put, I commit to visiting every small group at least once in 2023.  Need to get more connected?  Don’t just put, I commit to connecting in some way. Put, I commit to participating in one men’s/women’s/senior’s event this spring.
Finally, as you consider your giving, can you take one more step up in giving?  If you have been a consistent, faithful giver, can you increase your tithe by $5, $10, $20 or more?  If you have never given, can you commit to $50 a month, or more?
Parkway Hills has much to celebrate and many celebratory days ahead.  Let us not miss any of our chances to partner with God in the work God is calling us to do.  Let us commit, as individual disciples of Jesus Christ and as one body united in Christ to take our next faithful steps.
Wednesday night fellowship meals return next Wednesday, January 18.  If you have never joined us for Wednesday night meal and fellowship, 2023 is a great time to start.  Meal begins at 5:45 with activities for all ages from 6:20-7:15.  A nursery is provided.  We will begin January with another round of our intergenerational table talk following the meal.  This is a great way to get to know our children and youth.  Due to the rise in costs of everything, we have increased the family max to $27.  Price of meal will be as follows: Adults (13 and over): $9, Children: $5, Family Max: $27.
We are once again requesting that you RSVP by the Sunday before so that we know how much food to prepare and are good stewards of our resources.  You may RSVP via the newsletter (the Wednesday before), via the bulletin (the Sunday before), or by calling the church office by 10 am the Monday before.
RSVP here

Represent and support PHUMC!

In celebration of entering 2023 debt-free and looking forward in hope to the next faithful steps at Parkway Hills, Jessica Wood has been working on a Parkway Hills t-shirt.  This is a great way while we are out and about as a church to share about our church and show our love.  A portion of the proceeds from each t-shirt will go toward the mission and ministry of PHUMC.  We hope everyone will purchase a shirt and share the story of Parkway Hills as you wear it!  
Here is all you need to know:
Cost: $20
Order Due by: January 23, 2023
Pay by: cash, check (made out to PHUMC, mark t-shirt in the memo), in our app, or online.
Click here for order form. Order forms also available in church office and in worship center foyer.
The Camp Wesley Pines staff will join us for our Wednesday Night Re:Treat on Wednesday, January 25. We will explore indoor games and activities to give the children and youth a small experience of the Camp Wesley Pines Summer Camp. If your child is interested in attending Camp Wesley Pines for a week this summer, this is a great way to find out more information and explore your interest. We hope you'll join us!
-Welcome, new youth and families! We're excited about our future together and what God will do.
-No youth events this week while we're gone to Camp Wesley Pines.
-Please finish paying off any Winter Retreat balances. Make a payment via our giving app or by clicking here. For Winter Retreat logistics, packing list, etc., click here.

Click here to get caught up on all the latest youth news in this month's ministry newsletter!
We welcome Ian Robinson into our congregation as an Associate Member. Ian is a member of St. Columbs Episcopal Church and will retain his membership there, but as an enthusiastic volunteer in the ministries of PHUMC, Ian wishes to join us as an Associate Member. Ian is a senior at Madison Central HS and has been very active with our youth group.
As we look towards a new year, we are updating our required background checks and training for our volunteers. If you are a volunteer or wish to volunteer with our Children and/or Youth Ministries, you should receive an email about an online training through Ministry Safe. We will hold a Volunteer Training Session following the worship service on January 29. This will go over Safe Sanctuary Policies we have in place at Parkway Hills UMC along with the Ministry Safe Training. Lunch and nursery will be provided. 
Please let me know if you would like to be added to the volunteer list or if you have any questions. For more information email Haven.
The Confirmands will visit Beth Israel this Friday, January 13. Meet at PHUMC at 5:30. We will carpool to Beth Israel. We will get dinner after, but we would suggest eating a snack before.
Confirmation Sunday is January 22 during our 10:45 am worship service.
Please let Pastor Dawn know if you would like to meet at PHUMC and carpool for the Celebration for Bishop Lewis.
   Meeting This Week: 
Lay Leadership/Nominations: Tonight at 6:00 in the Garden
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Join them in the Garden Room or 
via Zoom.
   **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
     New Password: 142295
Handbell practice 9:00 am Thursday in Choir Room.
Bridge Group: Beth Israel Trip Friday, meet at church at 5:30 to drive to Beth Israel. Dinner to follow.

Youth Winter Retreat: meet at church Saturday, at 8:30 am to leave for
Camp Wesley Pines

Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting ID number)
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Choir: practice at 5:30 pm this Sunday. 

Church office closed Monday, January 16 for MLK holiday.

Prayer Quilt Ministry: will not meet Monday January 16.

Grace Place Homeless Ministry: Wednesday, January 18; leave church parking lot at 7:00 am

Year to Date, December 2022
Income: $648,730.55
Expenses: $705,549.00
* We finished 2022 with paying 100% of District Mission Shares and 50% of Conferenc Mission Shares.
January Communion Offering to date: $860.00,  supports Becas Con Bendiciones,
(Scholarships with Blessings)
for Honduran students.
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