CTE News - December 12, 2023
CTE News - December 12, 2023
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CTE News

December 12, 2023
MacCracken Hall covered in snow
Hi Friend of the CTE, 
Are you interested in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), learning with teacher-scholar James Lang, and engaging the latest teaching research? Check out this issue of the News
The CTE News will return on January 2, 2024. Enjoy your winter break!
Upcoming Workshop
WorkShop spelled on blocks
From Scholarly Teaching to SoTL: A Workshop on Presenting and Publishing
In this two-part workshop we will explore the process for developing a classroom research project into a submission to a scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) conference or journal. In-person only, at 320 Laws Hall. It is highly recommended to attend both sessions. In order to attend the second session, you must attend the first session. Attendees should bring a laptop to the sessions.
Register Now for Tuesday, January 9, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Register Now for Thursday, January 11, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
News and Information
Mark Your Calendar: James Lang Visit!
We are pleased to announce that acclaimed teacher-scholar James Lang, author of Small Teaching and Distracted, will be our inaugural guest for the Drs. Mary (Scherger) Bonhomme and Raymond Bonhomme Visiting Teacher-Scholar Series.
Save the Dates: February 7-8, 2024
View the Schedule of Events and Register
Is Your Classroom 
Social Learning Space?
The new special issue of the Journal on Excellence in College Teaching focuses on educational social learning spaces—environments in which people are united by the pursuit of learning in order to make a difference. The issue’s 7 articles invite readers to explore and adapt the research-based ideas for creating engaging learning opportunities.
Celebrating the
a Culture of Belonging
Certificate Recipients
This fall semester the Provost Office and the CTE sponsored Miami faculty to complete the Fostering a Culture of Belonging (FCB) course focusing on inclusive pedagogy that leads to classroom belonging. Sixty-four faculty members completed the course and earned a microcredential certificate from the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE). We celebrate these faculty for their commitment to inclusive teaching!
Fostering a Culture of Belonging Certificate ACUE Logo
Free e-Book on
Student Relationship Building

Building relationships with peers and professors while in college is important for student success academically, professionally, and personally. Consider sharing this free e-book with your students on how to cultivate relationship-rich educational experiences.

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