December 7, 2022  

Welcome      Grow       Serve      Celebrate

Have you been looking for a way to connect to the church?  Do you just need a night out with friends?  Then come to the men's ministry gathering Thursday, December at 6 pm at the Weiland home. We hope to see you there! 
What a gift our children were last Sunday in worship. A special thanks to all our kids, our volunteers who aided with worship and practice, and David and Haven for all their hard work. If you missed last Sunday's worship, you can view it here. The gifts continue as we gather Sunday for worship to be blessed by our choir and handbells. We continue to journey through Advent and reflect on the gift of Emmanuel, God with us!  We hope to see you Sunday for worship, then join us back at 4:00 pm for Carols and Cocoa on the lawn. Bring a chair  It will be a great Sunday to invite a friend. 
Upcoming Worship Opportunities:
December 11: Choir and Handbell Christmas Program and lighting of the candle of Joy.
December 18: High School Girls Ensemble Singing, Geoff Davidson preaching, and lighting of the candle of Light.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion and lighting of the Christ candle @ 5 pm;
nursery provided
Christmas Day Brunch Worship: 10 am; Come as you are (pajamas accepted), bring a breakfast dish, and let us share a meal and celebrate the birth of Christ. No Sunday School and a nursery will not be provided.

May we all journey through this season together in worship, in study and reflection, and in celebration. See you at Parkway Hills and invite a friend!
With you on the Journey,
Pastor Dawn

A reminder for those who took caregiver info and the angels that went with them: Contact the caregiver using the script that was passed out at the meeting. Fill in the wish list for the angels you have.  Purchase a gift. Please have your angel tag and wrapped gift back to church by the end of worship December 11. Then join us back at 4 pm, December 11, for Carols and Cocoa on the lawn and to welcome the caregivers and the kids and to hand out gifts. Thank you to all those who have signed up to provide  drinks, snacks, and paper goods for this event.  If you have any questions or issues, contact Amanda Hamilton.   

Tonight: End of semester study night, 5:30-7:30

Sunday: Delivering cookies and dinner out together, immediately after Carols & Cocoa. Bring money for dinner. 
Adults, we need your help! We need drivers to help us deliver cookies after Carols & Cocoa on Sunday, as well volunteers for the New Year's Eve Lock-In and Winter Retreat. Follow this link to get signed up or contact Geoff with any questions.

Registration is now open for the 2023 Winter Retreat! This trip to Camp Wesley Pines on Jan 14-16 costs $165, including a minimum $50 deposit due by Dec 21. All youth are eligible to join us, including those who will be officially moving up into our ministry in January! Click here to sign up via online giving.

Click here to learn more about Methodist Children's Homes. Little Light of Mine, the special offering for Methodist Children’s Homes, supports the daily operations of Methodist Children's Homes.  Little Light of Mine Special Offering helps Methodist Children's Homes  to care for the hundreds of children they serve each year.
2023 will be an exciting year for PHUMC!
   Meeting This Week:
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Join them in the Garden Room or 
via Zoom.
   **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
     New Password: 142295

No Handbell practice this Thursday 

Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting ID number)
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!
This Saturday we will meet at Rebecca's house at 11:30. Call Linda in office for directions and more information.

No Adult Choir Practice this Sunday. We hope everyone joins us on the lawn at 4:00 pm for Carols and Cocoa.

Prayer Quilt Ministry: meets Mondays for their annual Christmas party at Anjou at 11:00.

Year to Date, November 2022
Income: $536,035.27
Expenses: $626,734.01
Stewardship Goal:  "Debt-Free in '23"
Mortgage Principal Balance as of Dec. 5: $0
December Communion Offering to date: $245.00 supports
"Little Light Of Mine," A Special Offering for         Methodist Children's Homes of Mississippi
A gift in memory of Joseph Gibbs has been received for the Methodist Children’s Homes “Little Light of Mine.”

                                                                                      A gift in memory of Kay Abney has been received                                                                                         for the General Fund.
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