How Do We Prepare the People Who Will Need to Manage the Real-time Responses to Cyber Attacks on Physical Systems?
Barry Horowitz, University of Virginia
ABSTRACT: As part of an ongoing multi-year SERC Research Task led by University of Virginia, the research effort focuses on development of cyber attack resilience concepts for cyber-physical systems, an experimentally-based set of activities have been focused on exploring human factors issues. In particular, situations involving human operators have been simulated where cyber attacks have been detected by a dedicated monitoring sub-system (referred to as a Sentinel), and a system operator is alerted and provided with relevant system reconfiguration advisories. The simulated attack scenarios include possibilities for extreme events, including possibilities for killing or seriously injuring people. The research effort has focused on operator responses to the detections and advisories, including a collaboration project with the MITRE Corporation in a simulation activity at Creech Air Force Base involving pilots remotely controlling attacked unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and a collaboration project at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) with the Air Force Institute of Technology involving experiments with 32 airmen remotely controlling attacked unmanned ground vehicles. The Creech Air Force Base effort raised a number of significant human factors questions that are especially pertinent to system reconfiguration responses to cyber attacks, while the more focused WPAFB experiments addressed the relationship between a particular operator behavioral characteristic (level of suspicion) and operator responses. The Talk provides the results from these efforts and their implications on operator selection and training, including identifying a broader set of needed integrated human factors and system design research activities focused on cyber attack resiliency.
BIO: Dr. Horowitz is the Director for the University of Virginia research site of the National Science Foundation sponsored Industry/University Cooperative Research Center called Wireless Internet Center for Advanced Technology (WICAT). Prior to University of Virginia, he was President and CEO of the MITRE Corporation. He received the Air Force’s highest award for a civilian, is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu honor societies, and was awarded the AFCEA Gold Medal of Engineering in 1990. Dr. Horowitz is currently serving as a member of the Naval Studies Board (NSB) of the National Academy of Science, and has participated as a panel member on a variety of studies conducted by the Defense Science Board, the Army Science Board and the National Academy of Engineering.
SERC Collaborators:

DATE: August 2
TIME: 1:00 PM (ET)
August 2, 2017: 

What are the Top Ten Software Security Flaws?
Gary McGraw, Synopsys (SNPS)
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